Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 13: Three Months Till The Exam

"It was the best for both of us."

"Didn't I tell you not to lie-"

"I'm speaking the truth." Adrian interrupted the voice. "She is now free and she has got you, a person who can protect her better than me, and a bright future ahead of her. While me... I would be only a burden to her. Chains that would restrict her growth... You should know what I mean."

"...Sigh. You really are a stubborn one." The voice muttered in a helpless tone. But she also understood Adrian was right.

"Ok. But will you be ok after what you said to him today? Aren't you afraid?"

"Ah, you mean the king?" Adrian chuckled. "Don't worry, he won't do anything. Well if he is smart that is."

"...Haha. You are really a strange one." The voice chuckled. "Here, take these. They will be helpful."

Adrian caught the ring the owner of the voice threw.

"There is the best technique in it which can take you to the peak of the Nebula Tier. There are other useful items as well. Both for your safety and improvement. You can use it by injecting Aether into it. Just reminding you if you don't know how."

Adrian looked at the ring in his hand and then at the owner of the figure. "Why are you giving me these?"

"Well. Consider it a gift from the master of your mother and sister." The owner replied with a smile.

"And sorry, it seems my time is up." The voice spoke. "I still need to catch up to those three."

"Yeah, have a safe journey." Adrian nodded in understanding.

"Thanks. I hope you stay safe as well. I have a feeling we will meet soon again." The voice spoke. "So, till next time."

"...Yeah... But I doubt it..." Adrian muttered as he saw the figure merging into the light.

'What a strange lady.' Adrian stood there, still processing the encounter. The ring in his hand gleamed with a mystical aura, and the words of the figure lingered in his mind.

'Master of my mother and sister... Was her name Seraphina?'

'But mother never mentioned about her in the past...'

'Well, I didn't know she even attended that Academy till now...'

'Sigh... It seems I am still unaware of many things...'

'But... I believe she will now be safe in her hands.'

'Farewell, little sis...'

'I hope you will forgive your stupid brother when the day comes...'

_________ ____ _

After a week of flying and occasional stops, Aurelius and the other three arrived at Eldoria City - the home of the Celestial Arcane Academy.

However, instead of taking them to the academy, the professors brought them to a villa which was located at the corner of the city.

The villa, surrounded by well-tended gardens and secluded from the bustling city, exuded an air of tranquility. As Aurelius and the others approached, they noticed the intricate design of the architecture, reflecting the celestial themes that characterized Eldoria City.

Lady Seraphina and Seraphelis guided their disciples into the villa, the doors opening with an ethereal grace. The interior was adorned with elegant decorations, a blend of celestial symbols and practical comfort.

"Welcome to the humble abode of mine," Lady Seraphina spoke, gesturing for Aurelius and the other two to enter. "You will stay here temporarily till the exam day. Make yourselves comfortable."

Aurelieud nodded in understanding, while Aurelia didn't respond.

Her condition slightly improved during the past week. At first, after she regained consciousness, she asked her master to take her back and she wanted to talk with her brother again. She refused to eat or cooperate with them. But she started to get better as Lady Seraphina would talk with her, heart to heart. Well, it might be because she revealed the fact that she also taught her mother.

Aurelius hoped she would return to her old self. Although they weren't close, he didn't want her to suffer anymore.

_____ ___

Three months passed by.

The villa in Eldoria City became a hub of intense training during those three months. Under the guidance of their respective masters, Aurelius and Aurelia underwent rigorous physical and magical training to harness the latent potential within them.

The first month was particularly challenging for Aurelius. His body, weakened by years of illness, struggled to keep up with the demanding exercises imposed by his master. Seraphelis, however, pushed him relentlessly, understanding that only through adversity could Aurelius unlock his true capabilities. Moreover, learning an Aether Absorption Technique had its minimum requirements as well.

Every day was a test of endurance and perseverance. Aurelius, fueled by determination and the potions provided by his master, persevered through the physical trials. His master, observing his progress, remained silent yet vigilant, knowing that the journey to the Nebula Tier required not only strength but resilience.

Aurelia, on the other hand, grappled with the emotional aftermath of her family's unraveling. Lady Seraphina, with her patient and empathetic demeanor, guided Aurelia through the healing process. They spent hours discussing emotions, memories, and the intricate bonds that tied families together.

As the days passed, Aurelia gradually opened up. The pain and resentment that once clouded her spirit began to dissipate. Lady Seraphina helped Aurelia find solace and acceptance.

And at the beginning of the second month, Aurelia joined Aurelius in his training. Together, they also started learning Aether Absorption Techniques, given to them by their masters.

The combination of Aurelia's newfound emotional stability and Aurelius's growing physical strength created a harmonious synergy. Their progress surprised even their seasoned masters. The two Geniuses, driven by pure determination, quickly mastered the Aether Absorption Techniques, harnessing the celestial energies with finesse.

By the end of the second month, they achieved what many deemed impossible. With synchronized movements and a profound understanding of each other's strengths, Aurelius and Aurelia ascended to the first stage of the Nebula Tier, they became Nebula Initiates. The aura of power emanating from them marked a transformative milestone in their journey.

As the third month unfolded, the training intensified. Lady Seraphina and Seraphelis continued to refine the siblings' skills, pushing them to the limits of their newfound abilities.

On the eve of the final day of their training, Aurelius and Aurelia stood at the entrance of the academy, their eyes reflecting the celestial brilliance they now possessed. They were now Nebula Acolytes, Aurelius One Star Nebula Acolyte, and Aurelia Three Stars.

And ready for the Celestial Arcane Academy's Entrance Exam.

But none of the two would expect a BIG surprise would be waiting for them at the exam.

______ ___ _

(Important Author Note:

Do you guys want to read a chapter about the Exam or should I fasten up and write Alex's debut?

Write in the comments.

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