Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Chapter 714

Chapter 714

If I had known this would happen, I would have asked whether to just swallow it or chew it.

Noi, who bit and swallowed the bead he had been holding in his mouth in self-deprecating regret, moved back slightly, mindful of the eyes watching him. He wanted to be a little more cautious, as he didn’t even know if it was instantaneous or if it was slowly taking effect after absorbing something.

As soon as the effect mentioned by the Demon King appears, he takes action.


As he did so, Noi blinked his eyes just once, and what appeared before him was nothing but Levien’s inner self and enemies, and an empty darkness with nothing in it.

[But at the same time, it was unpleasant. I didn’t really think I would ever use it, and I certainly didn’t think I would chew it up and swallow it.]

The voice that struck my head without giving me time to panic was clearly that of the Demon King.

Noi, who was trying to ask questions while moving his body in a hurry, wondering what on earth was going on, was shocked to realize that he was now in a state where he couldn’t even blink his eyes as he pleased.

[Don’t panic. I just gave you a moment of respite, using the moment of connection. I know what you’re thinking, even if you don’t say it. Just as I can hear your voice, I can hear your thoughts.]

What do you mean by connection? A magic booster?

When I asked him urgently about the strange feeling, the Demon King continued speaking in a tone that showed he did not understand.

[Me? No, I said ‘detonator’ of magic power. Amplification and detonation are different.]

What kind of pun is that···

[Well, it’s still helpful, so don’t worry about it. Your memory is more important.]


The moment I had a question, a tremendous pain ran through my whole body.

He wanted to scream and wrench his body in pain so severe that he felt like all the pain he had suffered since his days at the bottom was nothing compared to the pain he was feeling now, but Noi’s body did not move.

In the end, all Noi could do was scream mentally.

[A girl who suddenly cuts through the space of a warrior who spreads the holy law and an assassin, Noi Tanissa… It’s strange. No matter how much I try to remember, those guys never existed.]

But the Demon King just mutters to himself calmly, as if such things don’t matter. If thoughts can be heard, shouldn’t screams be heard as well?

[Of course I can hear it. To be honest, it’s a bit noisy. Anyway… I think I need to see it for myself.]

The moment the Demon King finished speaking, directly mentioning that he had ignored Noi’s screams as if nothing had happened, an unidentifiable hand emerged from the darkness and grabbed Noi’s head.

[For someone like you… it’ll fit quite a lot.]

Where on earth did that hand come from, what is this space, and what does it contain?

All the questions that arose one after another in a matter of seconds disappeared as quickly as they had arisen. But it wasn’t just the questions that disappeared.

The memories that Noi had were also pushed away somewhere.

The conversation I had with the Combat Special Operations Unit agent just now The moment I saw my subordinates die The memory of the time when I was commissioned to assassinate the Demon King The life-or-death crisis I experienced when I was still called Aesong Noi The childhood when I had to help out on ships while surviving on half-rotten meat in the slums of a port city

Soon, even the memory of looking at the sea that had been so tiresome disappeared, and something dark and red fell like a drop of water on top of the memory that was no different from a blank sheet of paper…

The Demon King was able to see the world through Noi’s eyes.

From his perspective, it was no different from the scenery suddenly changing in front of his eyes, but since he had already read all of Noi’s recent memories, he didn’t feel any discomfort.

Resonance through the fragments of evil spirits is successful. Finding this out is also a significant achievement.

Even though I spent time in Noi’s consciousness, the actual time that passed was not even a few seconds. It is said that it is not completely unaffected by distance, but when considering the distance between the Demon King’s Castle and Levien, there is no delay at all.

The first thing the Demon King’s eyes followed was the girl, who had expanded her physical senses with the help of a familiar aura that began to consume her body as it instantly stabilized.


And at the same time, his throat was cut off.

Even though it was not comparable to a warrior, it was a blow that could not be responded to even with the expanded senses, as the senses and magic power accumulated by Noi, who had reached the master level, were imbued with divinity.

In Noi’s memory, there was clearly a slight delay after swinging the sword, but for some reason, this time, the neck was cut off in time with the sword being drawn in the air.

Was it growth or a life-threatening fake payment? Whatever it was, it was certain that it was something so surprising that it shocked not only himself but also the girl’s fellow traitors.

After all, it was the right decision to come in person.

The Demon King, who was so sure of it and naturally accepted the head that was about to fall, placed the head on his neck without any hesitation and asked:

[What is the girl’s name?]

Naturally, this time, all the shock was directed at the Demon King. Some were surprised by the strange sight of someone calmly holding the decapitated head and putting it back on.

“The Demon King?”

Someone recognized the voice and was surprised.

It was a voice that the Demon King’s army could not have ignored. The Demon King’s speeches were often transmitted through magic tools in the camp.


At this, the Demon King’s eyebrows flinched slightly.

And instead of answering, he waved his hand lightly at the traitors. The hand gesture, which contained no murderous intent or emotion, looked like a light gesture to repel people, but…



The aftermath showed the power to literally ‘grind’ the five demons, including the garden, the floor, and some of the inner strength.

It was an attack so fast that there was no time to defend, but the armor worn by the former Demon King’s soldiers was torn apart, and even the swords they were holding were shattered, so even if they had defended themselves, it would have been meaningless.

Not to mention the fact that the attack had been directed at Cheryl herself. As Cheryl turned her head toward the Demon King’s soldiers who had been seriously injured or killed, she heard the Demon King’s voice again, strangely clear and yet somehow humming in her ears.

[I don’t like noise]

It was an attitude that could only be described as indifferent, and it was indeed so. If the fine scars that had swept through, as if by a dragon’s claw, had been just a little narrower, not a single one of the demons would have survived. As if to prove this, the demon king did not even glance at the demons until the moment he reached out.

[Ask again, what is the girl’s name?]

Cheryl’s jaw trembles and her teeth chatter as she turns her stiff head to look at the Demon King again in a bone-chilling fear.

I’m scared

It wasn’t just the strength of the enemy that was scary, but the reality that I might die helplessly, knowing that no matter what I did, I wouldn’t be able to inflict even one proper wound on them.

I was afraid of the pressure that made me hesitate to mention the name and even the words, even though I didn’t want to mention it, because I thought it would offend that being.

It was Leica who ran forward and stopped Cheryl from opening her mouth, immersed in fear.

Cheryl first noticed that Leica could run so fast.

Although it was nothing compared to Noi before being consumed by the Demon King, the process of Laika’s body growing so large that it could easily swallow a person was so fast that even Cheryl couldn’t properly see it.

[Yeah, you were there too.]

But even though he approached me so quickly and opened his mouth, the Demon King only said a calm word and waved his hand again.




Laika, who had never even been hit by a slash before, was unable to block the blow that seemed to crush everything in its path. As if hit by a giant battering ram, Laika flew sideways with her back bent and crashed to the ground, revealing five slashes on her huge body, revealing her insides that resembled a huge lump of iron.

It was impressive enough that it was only cut in half, rather than being completely cut in half like a building or armor, but the Demon King who was watching this was surprised by something completely different than Leica’s durability.

[Divine power···?]


It was at that moment that Cheryl gritted her teeth and held her sword in her hands as she saw the Demon King’s head tilt back sharply after being hit in both eyes by two arrows flying in from the darkness and not even trying to block them.

There is no such thing as an immortal being in this world.

So you can kill it.

The reason the monster didn’t die even after being beheaded was simply because… it wasn’t a vital point.

So what is the critical point?

Before the demons called him the Demon King, he chewed and swallowed something and became like this, so how could that be possible?

No, it should be there.

As soon as she made her decision, Cheryl’s hand, holding the sword, began to cut through the world at a speed she would not have been able to achieve normally.

Actions such as shouting or screaming are unimaginable, as he gathers all his energy and performs three slashes in a split second that would normally be enough to swing once.

Each time they twisted and interfered with space and crushed Noi’s body, which was imbued with the spirit of the Demon King, like a piece of paper, an unknown recoil struck my whole body. The aftereffects made my limbs tremble and my insides feel like they were twisting, but for some reason, the sword did not leave my hand.

Cheryl felt a great sense of relief at that fact and continued swinging her sword.

Cut until everything inside you spills out.

When Cheryl’s sword, swung with only that one thought, was swung exactly fifteen times, the mouth of the Demon King, who was flying through the air with his torn body, opened again.

[You don’t remember, after all]



His right hand, which had been floating in the air like a head, lightly snapped his fingers, and Cheryl’s blade shattered and soared into the sky. Cheryl, who was still holding the broken sword, somehow tried to swing her arm once more…

[Who are you?]



The attempt was easily thwarted by the Demon King’s snap of his fingers again.

By the time Cheryl felt the heavy impact hit her chin with a loud thud, she had already been thrown out of her own accord and was rolling around on the floor.

[There has never been a being like you in Itisel. The sword master of the empire was never able to cut through space. It goes without saying that the warrior Siegfried had no talent for swordsmanship. Who are you?]

The Demon King started walking towards Cheryl, who was in so much pain that she couldn’t even breathe.

Even though I put in all my effort, the pieces of my body that had been scattered were being pulled back together like a magnet.

“You fucking bastard···”

After seeing that sight, I no longer felt fear or anything. I only felt anger that came from absurdity.

It was the first time in my life that I was this angry. I wasn’t this angry when I saw bad guys, or when Eldmia wandered around the mansion at night without permission. How on earth should I express this anger?

Even though she thought it was ridiculous, her worries didn’t last long. Cheryl, who barely managed to raise her bloody body, glared at the Demon King with her eyes that wouldn’t open, and raised her right hand that was bent here and there.

And miraculously, the healthy middle finger appeared and answered.

“I am a fucking cub in Cheryl Tsuin Ogatorph.”

Ah, so that’s why Eldmia lives with a curse in her mouth every single day?

I think I know a little bit

[···Ogatorp? Why?]

Cheryl’s eyebrows, which had been furrowed in the shape of the number eight, felt a strange sense of kinship with the words that were merely spoken in anticipation of death.

At first, it was because of the strange words the Demon King uttered. Why? What kind of baseless reaction is this?

But soon, when I raised my head a little more to look at the Demon King, I saw something falling from the top of the castle wall and frowned. I couldn’t see well, maybe because I was tired.


After I realized who it was, my expression relaxed and I let out a hollow laugh, but I didn’t have time to just lie around leisurely, so I used all my strength to fly backwards.

This time, the Demon King looked puzzled at the sight, and at the same time, Eldmia fell as Este hit the Demon King’s head.

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