Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Chapter 688

Chapter 688

There are things in the world called common sense, customs, and practices.

There is a difference in that it becomes increasingly difficult to obtain the consent of the majority of members of society as we move from the former to the latter, but no one can deny the fact that these three promises exist in society.

From that perspective, I can understand what those punks called the Kingdom Alliance Army are doing. They’re not just leaving because they think of Itisel as a fool, but they’re just doing what they did on their own land. If you look at it from all angles, their character is probably closer to the average nobleman.

Because they have done it this way so far, because there have been no problems, because they have the power, and because of that, they do it without hesitation.

However, it is not a rule, but rather a hush-hush based on unavoidable circumstances, hierarchical relationships of power, and tacit agreement.

In other words, if you go in according to the law, you can have your head ripped off.

“Huh? Ethan? Where are you going?”

“I’ll take care of some work for a bit and come back.”

That’s why my steps toward the campsite far away were incredibly light. The group of people who were laughing at me tried to follow me in a hurry, but I raised my hand to stop them and then increased my speed. Right now, even if they were to stay with me, there was a high possibility that the confusion would only increase.

With every step forward, people’s complaints come into my ears. I hear voices expressing their annoyance at this stagnation, and some curse the Allied Forces of the Kingdom, saying that they are acting as they please in a foreign country. Some curse Levien or the royal family for not being able to manage such an Allied Force.

There were some people who pushed past me and swore at me as I passed by, but they were very few in number. To be honest, I felt sorry, but since it was better for them if I went faster anyway, I focused on walking.

At the checkpoint of the camp where we arrived, the scene that Mr. Pimel had described was unfolding just like that.

“No, we are originally merchants who have been consistently supplying food ingredients to Levien!”

“That’s not for us to know. We’re just checking for everyone’s safety in accordance with the wartime situation.”

A merchant who is banging his chest as if he is dying of frustration and soldiers who are conducting a self-proclaimed inspection are seen, rummaging around his carriage. As expected, they are saying they are inspecting, but their actions are slow and they are not even trying to actively look at the contents.

“Just like you work hard to make a living, we just do our own work. Of course, even if we don’t do it, the city people will find something to do on their own… As I said, ‘if we want to make a living,’ what else can we do?”

“You happen to be a grocery merchant, right? If you show a little sincerity, we can use that as an excuse to do a little bit of work.”

“Are you threatening to hand over your stuff right now, right in front of the city?”

The merchant’s voice naturally shrank due to the spear swinging up and down as soon as the word ‘collaboration’ was mentioned. Only the back of his head was visible so I couldn’t tell his expression, but he looked terrified at first glance.

“Watch your words. A threat? This is a negotiation. You could call it a fee. With so many troops protecting the city, you can afford to give that much, right?”

“Why do we···”

“Hey, since you can’t communicate, I guess you’re a spy from the Demon Tribe. What are you doing? Search hard. There’ll be evidence.”

On the other hand, the soldiers blocking the road are not hiding their laughter and are snickering among themselves. Some of them sigh and turn their heads as if they don’t want to see that either, but no one is blocking them. Judging from the fact that they don’t even show any sign of fear of being caught by their superiors, this isn’t an aberration of a single soldier.

It was such an obvious situation that I felt pathetic for trying to keep even a glimmer of possibility open, so I just passed the merchant’s carriage and stood in front of the soldiers. At the same time, two conflicting eyes were focused on me.

“What? An escort? Mr. Merchant, the more you do this, the more suspicions arise.”

“Oh no, I don’t know you at all···”

The disgruntled eyes of a soldier and the questioning gaze of a merchant.

At first, the soldier hesitated, thinking it was an excuse, but soon he realized that the merchant’s words were not a lie and asked me a question with a puzzled expression.

“···Then what are you?”

In a short moment, many thoughts began to pass through my head.

I was thinking about how to deal with these things, but I was also worried about how to make this situation more palatable and get rid of everything.

I thought the problem was not that there was no way, but that there were too many… Then, suddenly, a big realization struck my mind.

Why was there a need to worry? If there are many methods, why don’t you just use them all?

I was agonizing over the doljabi items that were placed in front of me during the first birthday party, like a baby, but it was a problem that I could just drool over and hold them all in my arms.

“He is a warrior”


“You are all acting illegally, such as demanding bribes through unauthorized inspections, and framing innocent people as spies, so stop immediately and open the way.”

So, I started talking about the most basic implant… no, the justification.

I was worried that he might show off his wit and go through the verification process, but fortunately, that didn’t happen.

“Poohahaha! I’ve seen all kinds of crazy kids!”

The merchant, who had been looking back and forth between me and the people laughing out loud, began to slowly back away as if he didn’t want to get involved in the fight between the crazy guys, and the pedestrians who had been at a distance started to close the distance, muttering and becoming interested in my sudden appearance.

And it was not only the pedestrians who suffered from the bottleneck, but also the soldiers in the camp. The guy who laughed heartily continued talking, swinging his spear as if he was not the same.

“What the hell, a crazy guy came out of nowhere and made people laugh and then fell over. I don’t have time to deal with crazy guys. I’ll consider it a big laugh, so don’t interfere with my work and get out.”

To be honest, I thought he was telling me to go back, but surprisingly, the spear he swung was a signal to open the way.

Do you have the common sense that it is best to avoid crazy people? I hate it even more when I think of someone with that kind of common sense leading the way in this kind of theft.

“Impersonation is also a crime”

“Sigh, shit. I told you to go away, what are you talking about now···”

“You are not qualified to perform official duties in Itisel. You came here to protest and refuse to serve as a garrison. How can you perform official duties? This is impersonation.”

Although there were no eyes on the back of their heads, I could tell from the murmurs that the pedestrians were responding to my words.

I was trying to watch him because I thought he was really crazy, but most people were bewildered because what he was saying sounded like it made sense. Some people tried to agree with me, but then they expressed their doubts, saying, “But he’s a crazy guy who calls himself a warrior. Is that really true?”

As the confusion grew and people’s voices grew louder, the first to react was not the soldier confronting me, but a soldier somewhere behind me. He turned around and ran as if he sensed something was wrong. No matter how you look at it, he looked like he was going to report to his superior.

Even if I don’t achieve my goal, I’ll still survive. While I was thinking that, a soldier who still didn’t understand his fate started teasing me.

“A kid pretending to be a warrior says something like that?”

“It’s not impersonation.”

“How are you going to prove it?”

He seemed to be shooting at me with confidence, but unlike his voice, his attitude and reaction had changed.

The face that was full of laughter and irritation was now filled with irritation, and where the laughter had been, a subtle sense of anxiety had taken its place. If he thought it was bullshit, he could have just hit me, but whether he believed my claim or not, he seemed to be aware that what he was doing was not respectable, so I could tell that he had become strangely cautious.

“I plan to prove it from now on anyway.”

But it’s already too late.

Because the justification was already sufficient, all that was left was to notify

He raises his magic and strengthens his senses. Then, without even giving himself a moment to warm up, his body gets back on track in an instant and starts running wild like an unbridled colt, using all his senses to gather and calculate information from his surroundings.

“I, Eldmia Ega, son of Radan Ega and Evisia Ruina, am a warrior of the Demon God, and before that, I have sworn to be a wandering knight before the imperial family and the royal family.”

At the end of the calculation, I got something unexpected and was momentarily shocked, but I calmly adjusted my plan and reached out to the sky. Then, surprisingly, I started to get a real reaction and had to manage my expression once more.

What is this? Why is this happening?

“I swear to the gods here that I will not back down even an inch when dealing with bandits who seek to rob innocent people of the kingdom during this time of war.”

The familiar energy from Levien, which was still quite a distance away, and the moment my fingertips touched, a sensation of electricity ran through my arm, and something flashing from beyond the castle walls began to fly towards me.

It was a touching moment that made me forget about the fool in front of me, but ironically, I had to come to my senses because the fool opened his mouth.

“What the hell is this kid talking about!? Are you out of your mind?! Is the military funny?!”

In that short time, the surroundings began to turn into complete chaos. People who had come with the intention of just watching were busy hurriedly trying to distance themselves from the blind swords, and soldiers who were drawn to the commotion gathered one by one, fixing their weapons.

And the soldiers who gathered like that took something precious from the soldier who had been chatting with me just a moment ago.

“You’re crazy! Drop your weapons and surrender immediately! We’ll take you to the command center! If you refuse, you’ll be shot!”

It roughly refers to things that living things need to survive in the face of danger, such as a sense of urgency, a sense of crisis, anxiety, and fear.

As people gathered, the guy was overflowing with confidence and shouted out loud, which was really pitiful, but I ignored him because I had no reason to care about his lost items.

-Boom boom boom!

“What the heck is this… Whew! It’s an axe!”

I was busy enough just worrying about the lovely two-handed axe flying towards me with a tremendous noise.

“Everyone… bow your heads! The axe is flying!”

I don’t know why it suddenly connected like a Wi-Fi connection. I don’t know why it flew towards me from a distance of several kilometers when it normally wouldn’t respond even if it was just a few hundred meters away.

The axe I am using now to retrieve Kakula’s axe has a higher proportion of divine power than magical power, so I can only guess that something may have happened to Kakula’s axe, just like Este did.

But that was something we could think about later.

As Esmu says, there is no reason to worry about something that can be done at any time at this very moment.


“Ah, this cool and heavy feeling”

He turned his gaze from the axe he was holding in his hands with satisfaction to look at the soldiers, and they were all trembling with fear as if they had encountered ghosts. He looked at them indifferently and unfolded his dragon armor, and some of them had difficulty breathing, rolled their eyes, and even fainted.

I don’t have any particular feelings about that sight. I just think that maybe it’s the type of person who faints when they face a difficult reality or when their beliefs are shattered.

“The weight of death that you will experience from now on”

Now was the time to silently instill fear in the worms with the axe that flew majestically like a weapon of a bald god who just lived with anger management disorder.

A Word from the Author (Author’s Note)

Thank you, Wolhayeonhwa, for your precious 100 coin donation!

I will work hard to write until the end since you find my poor writing so interesting!

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