A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

117. Chakra Clash in The Skies: Hikari vs. Kisame

117. Chakra Clash in The Skies: Hikari vs. Kisame

As they rapidly closed the distance between themselves and the opposing group of swordsmen, Hikari and his team exchanged a series of quick, secret hand signals. 

Hikari's group approached a steep hill that provided a strategic vantage point and used the terrain to their advantage.

The incline slightly elevated them over the approaching swordsmen, an opportunity they were ready to exploit.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the six Mist swordsmen also acted swiftly, capitalizing on their environment.

They silently executed a joint Hidden Mist jutsu, further thickening the fog that enveloped the area.

While they were aware that this tactic would be ineffective against the Hyuga members, due to their Byakugan, they recognized that not all of their opponents possessed this ability, and they looked to exploit any opening they could potentially get, even if it was minuscule.

As the mist thickened around them, visibility dropped significantly for those without Byakugan. Tsume and her canine companion relied more on their acute hearing and sense of smell.

Shibi's insects became even more crucial, buzzing closer to the ground, trying to detect vibrations and movements.

Ryosuke Gekko gripped his sword tighter, relying on his combat instincts to react to any sounds or shifts in the dense fog.

The Kiri's shinobi moved with calculated stealth, using the cover of increased mist to advance and position themselves advantageously.

They were looking for any lapse in defense, any momentary confusion they could exploit to gain the upper hand in the looming confrontation.

This strategic use of their environment was designed to disorient these three and create opportunities for quick strikes and ambushes.

However, the Mist swordsmen quickly realized that their attempt to leverage the Hidden Mist jutsu was futile due to the high level of coordination between their enemies and the special abilities of the Aburame and Inuzuka clan members. They were still moving ahead without revealing any openings.

Realizing that their enhanced mist had little effect on the keen senses of the Aburame and Inuzuka, the Mist swordsmen felt a surge of frustration.

Their strategy to disorient and divide had failed, and in a fit of anger, they had a short outburst. 

"You think your little tricks can save you?", Raiga shouted, his voice cutting through the mist with venom, "You all will regret ever setting foot here! None of you will leave Kirigakure alive!"

Juzo Biwa chimed in, his tone dripping with contempt, "This is the greatest humiliation in our village's history, and you are the cause, Hikari! You've slain many of our best, but today, you'll pay for those lives with your own!"

Their words were charged with hatred, particularly towards Hikari, who had become a symbol of their disgrace.

This was the first time Kirigakure had been invaded in this manner, and not even by Konoha's main force, but by some of its private peripheral forces led by the Hyuga clan in their impression.

The insult to their pride and the threat to their security and the Mizukage's regime stung deeply.

"We didn't come here to trade insults or for me to confiscate even more of your swords today. We have objectives that far exceed the importance of dealing with, frankly, small fries like yourselves."

Without waiting for a response, Hikari turned back to his team, signaling them to continue moving forward.

His group, maintaining their formation and focus, advanced steadily, undeterred by the threats or the thickening mist.

However, as Hikari's group advanced, the six Kirigakure shinobi swiftly coordinated their counterattack, each leveraging their unique abilities to create a multifaceted defense.

Kushimaru stayed hidden within the shadows. He wielded his long, needle-like sword with precision, sending out slicing threads that crisscrossed the battlefield, aiming to entangle and cut his opponents. His movements were fluid and deceptive, making him a ghostly figure in the foggy terrain.

Raiga, harnessing his ability to channel electricity, electrified the area around him. Bolts of lightning arced from his blades, creating a dangerous field of electric energy that threatened to shock anyone who ventured too close. His attacks added a crackling energy to the air.

Fuguki Suikazan, utilizing his unique hair spike attack, transformed his flowing hair into sharp, needle-like weapons.

These spikes thrust out in rapid succession, aiming to pierce his adversaries from a distance. His imposing figure dominated the area he defended.

Meanwhile, Juzo Biwa and Katashi, each skilled in close-range combat, remained highly mobile and reactive.

Juzo, with his menacing presence and quick strikes, darted around the battlefield, looking for openings to exploit with his brutal tactics.

At the same time, Tsume Inuzuka readied herself to go all in right away. With her trusted canine partner by her side, she launched into her strongest jutsu, Fang Passing Fang.

Together, they became a spinning whirlwind of teeth and claws, darting toward the enemy with such speed that they seemed to blur into continuous motion, creating multiple damaging impacts.

Simultaneously, Shibi Aburame orchestrated a massive assault using his kikaichū insects. He released a literal wave of dangerous bugs that swarmed toward the enemy from hidden angles, while secretly deploying even more poisonous insects aimed to incapacitate his foes quietly and efficiently.

The swarm was dense and relentless, covering the enemies and the surrounding air, leaving little room for escape.

Isamu Sumi, not to be outdone, summoned his clan's most potent technique onto the battlefield right away, the Super God Imitating Drawing. They all knew what kind of enemies they were facing currently.

So, with swift, precise brush strokes, Isamu conjured powerful and vivid illusions of fearsome deities, each attack designed to distract and destabilize the Mist swordsmen, making them vulnerable to physical strikes.

Ryosuke Gekko, meanwhile, showcased his mastery of kenjutsu by performing the Dance of the Crescent Moon.

He and three shadow clones synchronized in a deadly ballet of swordplay, their movements so harmonized they appeared as one, cutting through the battlefield with sweeping, graceful strikes that were lethal in their precision.

Each member of Hikari's breakthrough elite team utilized their strongest abilities, creating a multi-faceted offensive that was as varied as it was devastating.

This coordinated assault ensured that the Mist swordsmen were not only overwhelmed by the sheer force but also by the complexity and unpredictability of the techniques employed against them.

As the clash raged on, the combined efforts of Hikari's team allowed Takumi and Hiashi to break through slightly ahead, moving at incredible speeds toward the Mist swordsmen.

While Hikari held back for strategic reasons, his companions understood the plan without needing further communication. They nodded to each other, each aware of the roles they were about to play.

Takumi, leveraging his extensive knowledge and the mastery inherent to his Hyuga Elder Lineage, prepared to unleash a complex and disorienting attack.

He executed the Eight Trigrams: Phantom Mirage Strike Barrage, his strongest technique that epitomized the innovative spirit of his lineage. 

With swift, fluid movements, Takumi delivered precise palm strikes aimed at the chakra pathway systems of each swordsman in range. His Byakugan provided a crystal-clear view of their internal chakra networks, allowing him to inject a subtle burst of his own chakra.

This chakra, intertwined with the enemy's, carried with it a potent genjutsu that could disorient, trap, or even terrify the victim with illusions.

And just at that moment, with the Mist swordsmen temporarily distracted and dodging Takumi's Phantom Mirage Strike, Hiashi seized the opportunity to launch his formidable attack. His focus was absolute as he channeled a massive amount of chakra throughout his body, focusing it into his palms.

His mastery over chakra control, a hallmark of the Hyuga's Gentle Fist technique, allowed him to manipulate his chakra into the form of an enormous dragon made entirely of dense, white chakra, just like his father, and other distinguished previous Patraichs of their clan.

As Hiashi thrust his palms forward, the celestial dragon burst forth, moving at high speeds toward the target with lifelike agility.

It soared across the battlefield, its presence a brilliant white contrast against the misty backdrop of the combat zone.

However, amidst the shock induced by the giant white dragon conjured by Hiashi, only Katashi, the wielder of Hiramekarei, managed to react swiftly.

Understanding the dire situation, he rapidly generated a massive surge of chakra within Hiramekarei, preparing for a counterattack.

His weapon, known for its ability to morph and amplify chakra, became the perfect tool in this critical moment.

With a determined yell, Katashi swung Hiramekarei with all his might, channeling the weapon's built-up chakra into a massive, cleaving wave aimed directly at the oncoming dragon.

The air crackled as two formidable chakra constructs collided in a dazzling display of power. 

The collision resulted in a tremendous explosion of light and energy, temporarily illuminating the battlefield and pushing back the dense mist.

The force of Katashi's attack effectively sliced through the celestial dragon, dispersing Hiashi's technique and saving his comrades from imminent danger.

The spectacle left both sides momentarily stunned, underscoring the intensity and desperation of the confrontation.

This act of bravery and quick thinking by Katashi not only neutralized the immediate threat but also bolstered the morale of the Mist swordsmen, reminding them of their strength and the protective power of their unique weapons.

As the remnants of the dragon faded into wisps of chakra, both groups regained their composure, ready to continue the fierce battle that was far from over.

However, unbeknownst to the Mist shinobi focused on the immediate aftermath, Hikari, who had strategically stayed behind during the commotion, seized the opportunity to advance towards Kirigakure just as he planned. 

Isamu, the patriarch of the Sumi clan, had already sneakily conjured him a massive ink eagle, whereas Hikari swiftly mounted it and then attempted to soar high into the air, carrying him closer to his ultimate goal of getting inside the Kirigakure as soon as possible.

As the Mist shinobi realized the shift in the battle, Fuguki Suikazan shouted, "Not good, he's getting away!", His voice was filled with urgency, realizing the critical oversight.

The other Mist shinobi echoed his alarm, but it was already too late. Hikari was ascending rapidly, almost out of reach.

But, at this critical juncture, Kisame Hoshigaki, who had been silent up until now, suddenly stepped forward. With a calm yet determined look, he declared, "Don't worry, I've got this.",

Quickly forming a series of hand seals, and moving closer to the top of one hill, young Kisame unleashed his most potent technique currently, the Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave, using a bunch of his chakra.

The jutsu created a massive surge of water that not only disrupted the battlefield below but also propelled Kisame high into the air.

As Hikari neared his objective on the back of the ink eagle, Kisame's figure burst through the spray of water, skillfully maneuvering himself to intercept.

He positioned himself directly in front of Hikari, effectively blocking his path and setting the stage for an aerial confrontation.

The sudden appearance of Kisame in the sky was a dramatic twist, showcasing his abilities and determination to protect Kirigakure from any intrusion.

As Kisame positioned himself in front of Hikari, still riding the high winds on his ink-eagle, he wasted no time escalating the confrontation.

With a fierce battle cry, he also executed another powerful technique, Water Release: A Thousand Feeding Sharks.

From the massive surge of water he had already created, a swarm of water-formed sharks emerged, each one crafted from chakra-infused water, racing towards Hikari.

"You think you've outmaneuvered us, Hikari? I'm just where I need to be. Caught in the open, it seems you've flown right into the trap. I'm the wall you won't breach...", Kisame, with a smirk, couldn't resist the opportunity to taunt Hikari amidst their high-stakes duel. 

Hikari, facing the formidable display of Kisame's chakra potency, couldn't help but slightly acknowledge the young shinobi's prowess internally, especially his huge chakra reserves and physical characteristics observable with his Byakugan.

"Impressive heavy chakra-loaded output for someone so young. Probably some kind of a genetic freak. But, to current me, this is very much a child's play...", Hikari responded coolly.

His eyes lingered on the twelve-year-old Kisame, during this specific point in the timeline, assessing him not just as an opponent but as a notable potential future threat perhaps.

Without waiting for Kisame's reaction, under his stunned eyes, Hikari urged his ink-eagle forward, straight into the maelstrom of sharks and towering waves.

The entire nearby widespread battlefield watched in shocked silence as Hikari activated his Senjutsu: Wind Rotation, a powerful technique that created a swirling vortex of wind with a 20-meter radius around him.

Simultaneously, he deployed multiple Senjutsu: Celestial Rotation Spheres, each with a 10-meter radius, hurling them into the chaos below as well.

The combination of these techniques was a spectacle of destructive power. The Wind Rotation tore through the water, dissipating the giant waves and obliterating the chakra-formed sharks.

The Celestial Rotation Spheres exploded on impact, sending shockwaves across the large battlefield that shattered nearby mountain outcrops and obliterated anything in their vicinity.

Meanwhile, unsure whether his powerful techniques had fatally wounded Kisame or merely incapacitated him, Hikari recognized that lingering to confirm the outcome could jeopardize the overarching current objective. 

The urgency to breach Kirigakure's inner defenses and carry out his objectives was paramount. Thus, he chose not to dwell on the aftermath of the confrontation.

With a focused determination, he spurred his ink-eagle onward, piercing through the dissipating mist and debris of the battlefield.

The landscape of Kirigakure loomed ahead, its defenses rattled by the preceding chaos but still formidable. Hikari knew that entering the village would bring him a real challenge and much fiercer adversaries.

However, equipped with his keen strategies and the significant power of his newly empowered techniques, he was prepared to face whatever awaited him inside the village.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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