A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 437: Her (9)

As soon as I appear in Cedar Wood Grove, Jang Ik's 21 disciples and Kim Young-hoon quickly step forward in front of me.

"Esteemed One, just what is this situation?"

Ryeo Hwa asks me in bewilderment, and I briefly explain the situation to them.

"S-So, in other words..."

"You fought with the Sacred Master because you refused the title of Esteemed One?"

I awkwardly nod.

"I apologize. However, it was an important matter regarding me, so it happened that way."

At my words, they all exchange startled looks and then give a small, hollow laugh.

"...We understand, for now. However...because of what the Esteemed One has done, a few problems have arisen."

"...What kind of problems...?"

I ask cautiously, and Ryeo Hwa of the Flower Plant Race speaks up.

"First...the Heaven Tribe's intelligence-gathering power is a problem. With their unique skills in divination and foresight, they've already learned that the Esteemed One belongs to the Heart Tribe. As a result, countless members of the Heaven Tribe and Earth Tribe are currently preparing to attack Cedar Wood Grove. Normally, they wouldn't dare attack because of the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One's reputation, but with the Sacred Master being bested they've all lost their reason."

"...You mentioned a few problems. What else is there?"

"The Vestiges."


Even before Ryeo Hwa finishes speaking, a large creature swoops in from afar and begins bombarding beams of light onto Cedar Wood Grove.

Bo-oong Bo-oong, Bo-ooong!


Fortunately, 3rd stage masters of the Heart Tribe step up and scatter Heavenly Tribulation in unison, causing the monster's body to explode instantly.

But I instinctively realize that there are more Vestiges like that one out there.

"The Vestiges the Sacred Master had been holding back from attacking the Bright Cold Realm are now invading in full force. These Vestiges have the trait of devouring the flow of Heaven and Earth spiritual energy, so for now, they will start by attacking the Stable Realm, however...as more of them arrive, the chances of them attacking us will increase."

"Hmmm...I really have caused quite a mess."

The reason I attempted to draw out Baek Woon's lightning spear while having a conversation with her wasn't because I was being foolish.

It's because the role the Sacred Master plays is significant.

"It's fine. It hasn't been just once or twice that the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One overturned the Heaven and Earth Tribes. However, since the Esteemed One has started this, it would be appreciated if you could also protect Cedar Wood Grove."

"Of course, it's something I must do. But...before that, I have a request to make of you."

"Although the Supreme Council normally only follows the orders of the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One...given the current situation, if the Esteemed One's orders are not unreasonable, we will follow. Pease, don't hesitate to give commands instead of requests."

I offer them my gratitude and deliver my request.

"First...this may sound abrupt, but one of my comrades is currently suffering from the curse of Heavenly Penalty and is on the brink of death. I would like you to find a way to lift that curse."

Kim Young-hoon nods and answers in their place.

"We've been paying quite a bit of attention to finding a cure for Miss Buk's curse here in Cedar Wood Grove. However, even with nearby spiritual herbs, spiritual elixirs, and healing-oriented manifestations, nothing has worked..."

"In that case, I ask that you venture into the territory of the Heaven and Earth Tribes to investigate further."


At my words, the Supreme Council of the Heart Tribe looks at me as if I've gone mad.

Well, to be fair, asking the Supreme Council of the Heart Tribe to do something like this is pretty much the same as telling them to go off and die.

But I continue explaining my plan to them.

"Please listen carefully, my senior brothers and sisters. I intend to use you all as my terminals (端末)."


Seeing is believing.

Without a word, I temporarily connect their consciousness with mine through the Wonderfully Mysterious Innate Heart Canon.

Though brief, what I perceive, 'to some extent,' is transmitted to them as well.

I draw the Colorless Glass Sword, half-closing my eyes as I settle into my stance.


With my breathing, the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy in the surroundings begins to be drawn toward me.


I contemplate the Integrated Dao Domain within me.

I contemplate the Heart Essence Domain of my soul.

I contemplate my own essence, energy, and spirit.

And in the next moment—

I swing.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you! Kill, kill, kill...! Filthy, Human Race Heart Tribe beggar!"

In the Tall Tree Race territory.

Within a castle there.

A Four-Axis stage Tall Tree clansman is weeping sap from their eyes and shouting furiously.

And it isn't just that.

The vast majority of the masters in the Tall Tree Race territory are moving frantically while spewing their anger.


A gigantic monster plummets from the sky.

It's a Vestige of the Interdimensional Void.


The Four-Axis stage cultivator of the Tall Tree Race hurls a wooden spear towards a Vestige of equal realm.

Gurgle, gurgle, kwang!

The wooden spear grows inside the Vestige, sprouting branches that pierce through its body, causing the Vestige to explode.

Of course, the exploding Vestige doesn't die immediately and instead transforms into smaller, weaker Vestiges. However, those kinds of Vestiges are fortunately easily handled by the Heavenly Being stage Tall Tree Race who rush in to finish them off.

"Huaaaaah! The Sacred Master! That Human Race! That filthy, ugly, trash-like Human Race! That Human Race who's not only a Heart Tribe spy but also a Nether Ghost Realm spy! That bastard, defiled my Sacred Master, my Sacred Master!"

The Four-Axis stage Tall Tree Race keeps screaming as they tear through the Vestiges.

"My, my, my Sacred Master. It was my Sacred Master! I, I admired her first...I was first..."

Though the Four-Axis Tall Tree Race continues fiercely fighting the Vestiges, their strength is gradually waning.


And then, at that moment.


Piercing through the clouds in the sky, fifty Integration stage Vestiges appear.

"...Ah, hahaha..."

The Four-Axis Tall Tree Race member, along with countless others within the castle, look up at the sky with eyes full of despair.

Just then.


With a world-shaking burst of light, Heaven and Earth tremble.

At the same time, the eyes of the Tall Tree Race widen in disbelief.


Everyone there sees it.

A colossal sword energy, large enough to cover the sky, sweeps away all the Integration stage Vestiges in an instant.

The Tall Tree Race, sensitive to reading celestial energy, quickly traces the origin of the sword energy through the sky.

And terror spreads across their eyes.

"F-From...the Heart Tribe territory...it flew all the way here...?'

In the Paired Wings Race territory.

There, an Integration stage Grand Cultivator of the Paired Wings Race, who has just barely managed to win after a fierce battle against three Integration stage Vestiges, is staring blankly at the sky.

Grand Cultivator Baek Myeong looks up at the sky with dazed eyes.

"...Thirty Integration stage Vestiges...? Haha...is today the day the Paired Wings Race ends...?"

He coughs dryly and glances at his own body.

"...Damn it. My body isn't even fully healed...even if I go down with them, how many can I take with me...?"

Just then.


Before Baek Myeong can even react.

From an unfathomably distant location, a massive sword energy shoots through like an arrow, wiping out all thirty of the Integration stage Vestiges in one strike.

Grand Cultivator Baek Myeong stares in disbelief, reading the celestial and earthly energies.

As a Heaven and Earth Dual Cultivation practitioner, Baek Myeong possesses vision from both sides, allowing him to read more information than other Grand Cultivators. Because of this, he manages to track the origin of the sword energy in an instant.

"H-H-Heart Tribe territory..."

Baek Myeong's pupils tremble with unease.

His wings begin to quiver uncontrollably.

"H-Heart Tribe...sword energy...enormous... H-h...huuuaaah! J-Jang Hyung! Elder Jang! Please spare me! I was wrong! I won't boil and eat the Small Green Race as soup anymore! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry...! Huaaaaaaah!!!"

As if some terrible memory has been triggered, Baek Myeong starts flailing and screaming into the empty air.

Not just the Tall Tree Race and Paired Wings Race,

But also the Fighting Ghost Race, Fungal Bone Race, and Rotting Owl Race.

Even in the skies above the major races of the Earth Tribe, the same massive sword energy flies in and sweeps away the Vestiges attacking their territories.

The Heaven Tribe reads the celestial energy, the Earth Tribe tracks the earthly energy, and everyone in the Bright Cold Realm discovers where the sword energy originates from.

From Cedar Wood Grove of the Heart Tribe territory. 

From there, 'someone' has sent a sword energy across tens of millions of li to assist them.


In the True Dragon Alliance of the Earth Tribe.

As one of the administrators of the Serving Command Ark and a Dragon King who has recently risen to the Integration stage, Gyu Ryeon trembles while battling the Vestiges in the sky as she recalls the sword energy that just wiped out hundreds of Vestiges in an instant.

"Wh-What in the world...?"


She tracks the origin of the sword energy by following the flow of Heaven and Earth spiritual energy.

"The Heart Tribe territory...? But that's at least hundreds of millions of li away..."

Her face turns pale.

"Just who could it be..."

In her mind, she recalls the 'evil spirit torturing Sacred Master Baek Woon,' broadcasted just moments ago through Heavenly Tribulation.

The utterly insane demon spirit with twenty-one heads.

From the information Sacred Master Baek Woon transmitted, Gyu Ryeon and countless others realized that the demon spirit is a 'Heart Tribe.'

'Did that demon spirit just help us...?'

Shuddering, Gyu Ryeon shakes her head.

'No. There's no way that demon spirit who tortured the Sacred Master would help us. They say the Heart Tribe is as they appear on the surface, so a demon spirit that looks as evil as that one would never help anyone. But...only an Esteemed One could send such a strike...'

Gyu Ryeon and numerous other Integration stage Demon Kings are all struck with fear as a certain possibility dawns on them.

'Then...could it be...that the Heart Tribe has given birth to two Esteemed Ones!?'

That would indeed be terrifying.

That day, at the True Dragon Alliance's Serving Command Ark, an emergency meeting is held regarding the 'two newly born Esteemed Ones from the Heart Tribe.'


Within me, light (光) and shadow (陰) cycle.

As Twilight cycles, the depleted energy within me returns to its original state.

This is the divine power of Time.


After delivering a single strike at the level of an Esteemed One, I take my stance again and launch another one.


My single strike rises to the Plane of Soul in an instant, crossing countless spacetime and sweeping away the Vestiges in the Supreme Tiger territory, tens of millions of li away.

Afterwards, I steady my stance once more.


Twilight spins, and my spiritual power recovers.

This is Endless Mountains Beyond Mountains!

An ultimate technique that continually returns me to my original state, allowing for relentless attacks.

The only difference is that, unlike the usual Endless Mountains Beyond Mountains, which is activated through my mental power, physical strength, and skill, this time it is combined with the divine power of Time, expanding it to near infinity.


This is the synergy that occurs when combining the six divine powers of the Integration stage with martial arts.


Focusing all my concentration, I once again infuse my sword with immense force and swing it.

Once more, my sword energy crosses the vast expanse of spacetime, reaching other minor races' territory and wiping out the Vestiges.

Drip, drip...

Sweat drips down.

Even though the consumption of spiritual power is almost none, using the divine power of Time takes a considerable toll on my mental strength, causing my focus to gradually drain.

'This will be the last.'

One final time, I release sword energy that sweeps away the Vestiges attacking the weak races, then pause to wipe away my sweat.


After briefly severing my connection with the Wonderfully Mysterious Innate Heart Canon,

I speak to the Supreme Council, who stand nearby with their mouths agape.

"Do you understand now?"

"...We understand. You plan to send us out to various places across the Bright Cold Realm, using us as terminals to more precisely launch single strikes and eradicate the Vestiges."


They glance at each other briefly, then nod.

Ryeo Hwa, the current Vice-leader of the Supreme Council, looks at Kim Young-hoon and speaks.

"Sir Young-hoon, please stay with the Esteemed One and guard the Heart Tribe territory. We will take our disciples and followers and return shortly."

"Can you trust me?"

"For the past ten years, we've shared so many enlightenments together. There was nothing that would hinder the trust between us. I trust you, Sir Young-hoon. Besides..."

She looks at Kim Young-hoon with a meaningful smile.

"Since ancient times, I've had a knack for picking out good seeds. If a seed is on the verge of blossoming, it's only right to let it settle in and grow."

I glance at Kim Young-hoon after hearing Ryeo Hwa's words.

He only offers a bitter smile in response.

"That's too high a compliment. I still have a long way to reach that stage..."

"Haha...excessive humility is also a form of pride. Well then, Sir Young-hoon and Yu Yeon will remain here to protect the Heart Tribe territory."

After making that decision, Ryeo Hwa quickly receives my split soul and integrates it into their bodies.

Then, they swiftly gather the third stage Heart Tribe members and scatter across the Bright Cold Realm.

From now on, they will wander the realm, serving as my terminals.

Through them, I will unleash single strikes to cleanse the Vestiges of the Interdimensional Void.

In doing so, they can wield my influence to warn the Heaven and Earth Tribes not to encroach on the Heart Tribe territory. At the same time, they could gather information about Buk Hyang-hwa's curse.

'Good, let's keep it going like this.'

Just as I prepare to begin cleansing the Vestiges of the Interdimensional Void through the scattered Heart Tribe members,


I suddenly dodge the surprise attack from Yu Yeon, who strikes at me from the side.

Yu Yeon of the Shrimp Shell Race, with energy swirling in their fists, stares at me.

"...What are you doing, Senior Brother?"

"Senior Sister."

"Ah...I sincerely apologize, Senior Sister. I saw the balance of yin and yang in your body and mistakenly thought you were a Senior Brother..."

"It's fine. People often get confused. Even among the Shrimp Shell Race, I was born with a deformity, so my body has always been overflowing with yin and yang energy. That's probably why the balance appears unusual."

"I s—"

Before I even finish speaking.

She rushes at me again, extending her fist.


An enormous explosion erupts from both of her fists, sweeping through the area.

I disperse the dust cloud and ask her.

"It seems you wish to spar with me."

"We disciples of the Heaven-Collapsing Esteemed One are quite sensitive to fighting will. We already noticed that the Esteemed One desires to cross hands with us."

"...Will you be alright?"

I ask, looking at her.

"As you saw last time, Senior Brother Gyeong Chang died by my hands."

She lowers her head and speaks softly.

"I remember. Senior Brother Gyeong Chang and I were particularly close. From the beginning...we both share the same Manifestation name, River Bend (河曲)."


"From a young age, I have been together with Senior Brother Gyeong Chang, and thanks to him, I was able to enter under our master's teachings. My life...it had meaning only because I followed behind his back."

What could that emotion be?

It seems like a light pink hue.

But at the same time, it's also a mixture of countless other emotions.

"My River Bend is 'Calm Winds, Resting Waves' (風定浪息). To suppress the boiling yin and yang dual energy within me, for the peaceful life of our Shrimp Shell Race...it is the manifestation I obtained through a lifetime of effort."

Behind her, countless determined emotions seem to manifest.

Through the divine power of Time, I catch glimpses of scenes from her past, reading her history bit by bit.

A young girl born with a strange disease among the Shrimp Shell Race.

She met a boy from the Small Person Race, and together they honed their skills, eventually manifesting their River Bend and becoming members of the Heart Tribe.

The two met Jang Ik and received training, overcoming countless trials until they reached their current positions.

And now.

In this moment, after Gyeong Chang has died.

She stands before me, seeking to follow what Gyeong Chang saw in his final moments.

That is all there is.


She sheds the shrimp-like shell that covers her body.

What is revealed is Yu Yeon, with an appearance similar to that of a girl of the Small Person Race.


The moment her skin is exposed to the sunlight, it begins to burn.

Their skin is so delicate that they must wear shrimp shells, and they usually have to live within the river's waters, being tossed about here and there by the flow of the river—a race of utmost frailty.

That is the Shrimp Shell Race.


"Here I come!"

—What did Senior Brother Gyeong Chang see at that moment?

It's as if I can hear her heart.

—Now that another Esteemed One has been born, there's nothing left I need to worry about.

Within both her hands, enormous power comparable to Gyeong Chang's Sudden Wind, Sudden Rain fills the sky.

—So, all that's left is to give everything I have...to follow after Senior Brother!

I raise my sword with a solemn expression.

The next moment.

Words are unnecessary.

With the ultimate technique that possesses the greatest destructive power among all the moves I have, I meet her ultimate technique head on.

"Severing Mountains!"

"Calm Winds (風定)!"

Blinding white light surges between us, towards each other.

In the next instant.

The light clears, and our positions are reversed.



Yu Yeon smiles gently.

"I've made it there. Senior Brother..."

She crumbles into dust, scattering with the wind.

I look at the small scorch mark left at the tip of my Colorless Glass Sword.

The smudge soon dissipates into the air, carried away by the wind.

I try to grasp the wind, but it only slips through my fingers.

It was her trace.

Watching her vanish so fleetingly and beautifully, I grasp once again at the nature of the moment.

If time is the completion of moments coming together as one,

Then perhaps the wind symbolizes how all moments eventually fade away.

"...Is this...Wind (風)?"

Right after obtaining the divine power of Time,

I killed Yu Yeon, the second oldest disciple of Jang Ik.

And then, I repentantly enlightened myself on the nature of the wind.

The wind is the drawing of one's wish.

Not lust for the sake of obsession, but simply the act of drawing within the heart.

Even if one day it weathers away (風化) and vanishes.

The traces left by the wind will remain as imprints in the clouds, in the seas, and the great mountains.

—With the wind, soar.

Recalling the formula of the Phenomena Extinguishing Mantra and the last second of her life, I finally come to understand the divine power of Wind.

This is the second divine power I have attained.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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