A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 7

Inside the dense forest, standing orderly are five hundred soldiers, in front of them, is still this black-clad petite woman, half a month has gone by, what has changed is on their young faces, instead of derision and contempt, now theres sincere admiration and submission, moreover they all have a more upright posture, robust physique and staunch determination. These all are due to this seemingly cold woman.

They absolutely cannot lose this night raid battle! If two weeks before, they had no confidence, today two weeks later, they absolutely believe they can win!

Gu Yun gently arched her eyebrow, somewhat ineffably watching them behaving more like fighting cocks than men, although she also likes to see them high in fighting spirit, but they too dont have to be so hyped up this way.

Without a long-winded prologue, Gu Yun said bluntly: After deliberation, the night raid battles time and manner have been decided. The venue is the garrison camp of the Su family army which lies to the west of the city. A thousand elite army will be stationed there under the command of Su Ren. This is the mechanics of the battle: Su Ren will place randomly a wooden case in a room inside the camp. This wooden case contains something. Whoever steals the wooden case, wins the battle; the duration is three days. But, if I or Su Yu succeeds anytime before the time limit, the battle immediately ends.

After Gu Yun finished talking, she covertly watched their faces. Strangely, she could not see on anyones face cowardice and anxiety. Su Ren guarding the camp with his thousand troops, they dont have any reaction to this fact?

Gu Yun frowned, Do you think its that simple?

No. A chorus of loud male voice replied immediately.

No? Why then the confident look on their faces?

Gu Yun is unaware, these people do not trust themselves, but believe in her.

Looking to the far right at Ge Jing Yun, Gu Yun coldly inquired: Ge Jing Yun, what can you say?

Ge Jing Yun seemed relatively more cautious now, stepped forward, after a long while replied in a clear voice: the other opponent is Su Ren, guarding the camp are battle-hardened soldiers, the terrain of the camp is unknown to us, also how many rooms in the camp we do not know, how the troops are distributed within the camp we do not know as well, stealing the wooden case unnoticed is more difficult than a direct attack.

Gu Yun nodded and continued to ask: then what do you think should be done?

Know yourself and know your enemy, and youll never be defeated.* Regarding the maps needed for the night raid, the camp guards will certainly slack off during the day, this is a good time to approach the camp without easily being discovered. We should take advantage getting familiar with the terrain around it and also draw a layout of the inside of the camp, in preparation for the nights infiltration.

[* from Art of War, an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. Source: Wikipedia]

Well, he makes sense, Gu Yun cheered up and her lips gently lifted, turning towards the side of Leng Xiao, she said: Leng Xiao, what do you think?

Leng Xiao seemed well prepared, Gu Yun did not have to wait too long for his reply: There are one thousand elite troops guarding the camp, but our army has only five hundred men, theres a disparity in the military strength, this time we should make use of weapons to enhance our chances in the battle.


Gu Yuns face was devoid of any expression, he could not tell if shes happy or angry, Leng Xiao felt nervous, secretly he inhaled deeply, his heart beating fast he continued: We do not know the situation inside the camp, but all city garrison camps have wall enclosures more than twenty feet tall, when it comes under attack the guards will have to block the attackers with arrows, but if we have shields protecting our bodies, accompanied by rocket siege, the commander is bound to mobilize more troops to the tower.

Gu Yun kept silent for a long time, Ge Jing Yun on the other hand protested and said: Do you want to launch a frontal attack? Thats way too risky. Those soldiers are combat-experienced, even with shields and weapons, it is also impossible to go in. In the end they will only suffer heavy casualties.

Leng Xiao condescendingly smiled, and replied: When did I say we will come in this way? But, with the shield cover, at night, from the tower they simply would not be able to determine how many people are involved in the siege. As long as they will deploy the majority of the troops there to defend the walls, guarding the inside of the camp will be lax. Then, just send a few teams to sneak into the camp from the rear, guided by your so-called topographic maps, are you afraid you cannot find the wooden case?

So thats the plan! Although the attitude of Leng Xiao is a bit arrogant, Ge Jing Yun did not mind, he exclaimed: Ah diversion! This trick sounds wonderful!

The two of them basked in mutual delight and appreciation, Gu Yun did not bother them until on their own they realized they were behaving somewhat excessively pleased with themselves, quietly they shut their mouths.

She always thought that Ge Jing Yun and Leng Xiao are rare talents, one is calm but inflexible, the other has a sharp mind but arrogant and conceited, if they could cooperate together it would be just perfect. Today, it seemed, the two men finally learned how to talk to each other, if they carry on like this, that would be pretty good!

Gu Yun felt good, but her face did not show her enthusiasm, the two big men silently glanced at her, looking dignified, but anticipating ultimately a scolding.

Who knew, Gu Yun just lightly waved her hand and retorted: Since youre brimming with ideas, go ahead, prepare, what are you still doing here?

Does it mean she agrees with their strategy? Not only Ge Jing Yun and Leng Xiao were taken aback, all the soldiers who were also waiting to receive a scolding were surprised, after a while, they all became excited. Boss actually approved, its really great.

Now is sishi*, put up a tent outside five miles** from the walls of the garrison camp in the western suburbs of the city, at youshi*** we shall assemble there. Gu Yun secretly smiled wryly, they looked as if she enjoys scolding them all day long! She only reprimands people when they deserve it, getting good ideas why should she.

[*sishi 9 to11 am]; [**referring to a Chinese mile 500 m]; [***youshi 5 to 7 pm]


Leng Xiao and Ge Jing Yun left with their teams to carry out their respective operations, Gu Yun suddenly yelled: Leng Xiao, in addition to preparing those things you just mentioned, help me prepare something.

What? Leng Xiao looked quizzically to Gu Yun, Gu Yun faintly smiled, whispered something in his ear, Leng Xiao stared blankly at first, but soon he looked like he understood clearly, yelled back: I will definitely prepare it!

Ah, this young man is worthy to be taught!

Western suburbs garrison camp.

The camps headquarter.

Inside the spacious headquarter, there were only two people, both men sat opposite each other, they were neither discussing military strategies and tactics nor details of the topography. Even more bizarre, on a very hot day, there should not be a coal brazier standing beside them, mounted on the brazier was a tiny clay boiling pot making a crackling sound.

The relatively lean man leisurely took out a small tea-bag, gently opened the outer wrapping tissue, afterwards a whiff of faint fragrance wafted through the air indoors. Slowly he poured the tea leaves on a purple sand teapot on the side, the man carefully took down the small clay pot from the burning coal and gracefully poured boiling water into the teapot. The instant the boiling water wet the tea leaves, suddenly the initial faint and elegant fragrance intensified, as though rushing from the wings of the nose into the core of the lungs, captivating all of ones senses completely, this ought not be the aroma of tea, but it is indeed of a tea, famously known as Liuyue [June].

Which happens to be Su Rens favorite tea.

Slowly pouring on a white jade cup the brown red tea, his slender fingers lightly proffered the jade cup to the brawny man opposite him, then he poured himself a cup and quietly sipped the tea.

Han Shu curled his lips, grabbed the jade cup, and drank the tea in one gulp. He does not understand, to drink tea, why does one puts up with so much trouble in preparing it. He would have directly gotten hold of a large cup, thrown in the tea, and filled it with water. This way when he likes to drink, he can drink and feel fully gratified. This very tiny jade cup, a little bit of tea to moisten his throat isnt enough!

Putting the empty cup down, Han Shu couldnt help but laugh: Youre actually taking it very easy.

Su Ren ruefully looked at the empty cup, poor Liuyue, in the future better not be wasted on people who do not know how to appreciate the best things in life.

Slowly savoring the sweet and rich aroma of the refreshing tea, Su Ren nonchalantly replied: no better (or worse) than you. Speaking of taking things easy, he is not much better, not doing and putting things on hold, just to come here and watch the fun.

Han Shu fell silent, he is indeed here just to watch.

Reporting! A loud sound at the door resonated.

Su Rens thoughts were on the tea in his hands, absent-mindedly he replied: Go ahead.

Suspicious persons were sighted around the camp.

Han Shus eyes lit up, originally he thought hell have to wait for the night to watch the show, who knew the battle starts so soon?

Unfortunately Su Ren let him down, his hands busily adding boiling water into the teapot, he casually replied: Stay on your positions, ignore them.


Enormously dissatisfied, Han Shu spoke, his voice increasingly getting loud, You are deliberately throwing the game, its not fair not to react, I very much looked forward to this night raid battle expecting it to be exciting. He specially rushed to come over, if the battle is going to be like this, there isnt anything worth seeing then.

Su Ren leisurely smiled, feigning mystery he laughingly said: This is part of my opening gambit, no way Ill let you see through it.

Really? Putting off the discussion he then looked down, seeing Su Ren pouring himself a cup of tea, Han Shu also handed over his teacup, Su Ren looked up, quickly glanced at him, towards outside he yelled: Someone come! Send somebody to the kitchen and have someone serve over here a big cup of tea!

Han Shu stared blankly, for a moment he didnt know whether to cry or laugh, he is not that overly eager to drink tea, right?

Youshi (5-7 pm).

A tent five miles from the western suburbs.

Inside the tent, a map is spread out on a small stone table, although it looked hastily drawn and may not be finely done, but it was very detailed such that one could clearly recognize the main structures.

Gu Yun stood in the middle, standing by her right side Ge Jing Yun pointed to the edge of the map, he said: Less than a mile outside the camp is a clearing, a mile away the rest is a dense thicket of bushes and trees. My army can lurk in here after the night falls. This is the nearest to the camp. It would be difficult to be discovered here as the trees are very dense.

Gu Yun nodded, Ge Jing Yun continued, pointing to the center of the map, he explained: There are sixty-seven rooms inside the camp, most of which are located in its rear end, in front of the camp are the main headquarters hall, three adjacent halls, two study rooms, also far behind the gate theres a small sleeping quarter for the soldiers. As to the distribution of the troops within the camp, it seems that an estimated three hundred soldiers are guarding on top of the gate. In several other directions of the high walls also around a hundred or more archers are stationed. In the entire camp, near to the courtyard of the soldiers sleeping quarter is the only area where security is a little bit lax, we can infiltrate from here. But I also found a room behind the camp where soldiers are relatively concentrated; its very closely guarded, almost every half a stick of incense theres a team of guards patrolling, searching for the wooden case therein wouldnt be easy.

Drawing a circle on this room on the map, Ge Jing Yun quite confidently declared: So I guess, the wooden case would be in this one.

Glancing over again, the main structures of the camp has been etched in her mind, submitting to Ge Jing Yuns hands the folded drawing, Gu Yun said: Let your soldiers memorize this topographic map, they must be familiar of the terrain even without the map.

Yes. Ge Jing Yun went out of the tent, Gu Yun glanced sideways to Leng Xiao and asked: Hows your weapons preparation?

Leng Xiao replied: three hundred shields and five thousand arrows have been prepared, furthermore the things you want are also ready.

Nodding with satisfaction, she looked at the sky which has turned dark gray, Gu Yuns clear voice said: everyone prepare to depart after a stick of incense!

Yes. Once again their forceful reply displayed these young peoples high morale and confidence, but

After lying on the underbrush and keeping watch for four hours (two shichen), the said high morale very easily turned to growing restlessness; on their first day as soon as it got dark they were already keeping watch, but no one thought of keeping watch this way for four hours. Gu Yun did not explain a word, and gave no other commands, they were just lying on their stomachs the whole time! If they hadnt undergone endurance training, they would have found this position unbearable already a long while ago.

Noting the soldiers around him were getting more and more unsettled, Ge Jing Yun slowly crawled to Gu Yuns side, whispering he asked: Boss, what are we going to do now?

Compared to their edginess, Gu Yun seemed very calm, her eyes sharply watching everything around, she coldly replied with one word: wait.

Wait? Waiting exactly for what? Ge Jing Yun was befuddled, slightly squinting Gu Yun was staring into the distance and replied: waiting for Su Yu to come.

Waiting for someone else he still can understand, but why wait for lieutenant general Su? A surprised Ge Jing Yun said: The night raid battle has a three-day duration, how can you be certain hell come tonight, its already midnight now, even if he indeed comes, shouldnt we strike first and gain the upper hand?

Didnt you say that we only have five hundred men, how do we fight against a thousand men? Im waiting for Su Yus five hundred men. A slight shaking of the bushes very far away attracted Gu Yuns attention, it seems that the people she was waiting for have just arrived. Leng Xiao also suddenly moved close and asked: Do you want alliance with him?

Alliance? Taking advantage is more like it! Gu Yun laughed awkwardly: well, sort of.

Ge Jing Yun scratched his head in puzzlement, Arent we opponents? How can we join forces with them? Isnt this night raid battle taking place precisely in order to test whose art of training is the more superior one? How is a comparison possible in a coalition of forces?

Gu Yuns cold eyes narrowed slightly, looking to Ge Jing Yun and Leng Xiao, her chilly voice dropped low and cold, on the battlefield neither permanent enemies nor permanent friends exist, in everything we do, the goal is only one, accomplishment of the task means victory.

The goal is exactly to accomplish the task! All else is a means to an end, is this its meaning? Leng Xiao and Ge Jing Yun glanced at each other, these words slowly settle in the minds of the two.

In the distance, shining fire has been lit, it has also successfully attracted the attention of the garrison guards, Gu Yun leisurely smiled, he came, the game has just begun.

Looking along Gu Yuns line of sight, Ge Jing Yun and Leng Xiao also saw the distant fire, squinting their eyes they saw rows and rows of soldiers marching forward in an orderly and uniform manner, after every interval of three rows theres a row of soldiers holding up a blazing torch. Seen from afar, the flame soars to the heavens, together dark blue figures were marching on neatly in rows, the momentum is awesome, the morale is high! The impact is quite a bit intimidating.

To distinguish the soldiers between the two opposing teams, Gu Yun suggested that her team will all be dressed in black, Su Yus team will all wear blue for easy identification, but unfortunately at this late at night, unless one is very close to or below the torch to distinguish the color of the outfit is difficult.

As the troops drifted near, the garrison guards atop the city gate tower also began to move up quickly, a division of archers with drawn back bows full of arrows were aimed straight towards the soldiers below, if they dare exceed a single step, they will be shot and turned into honeycombs.

Thirty feet away from the gate tower the troops stopped, not a step further forward, but also not a step backward, deadlocked in a stalemate with the guards above the tower.

Gu Yun suddenly whacked Ge Jing Yun who was watching enthralled, laughing and scolding she said: still watching! Just a moment ago werent you itching for action?! You should get moving now! Take along with you men who have excellent nighttime vision, three people in a team, each team assigned to search a room, if you cannot find the wooden case immediately flee, if you find it bring it out at once if possible, come back with a report right away if it was not done.

There are sixty rooms in the rear of the camp, a team each with three men, it meant almost two hundred people going in simultaneously? Leng Xiaos brows creased a bit, he said: So many people entering at once, wouldnt it alert the enemy?

Laughing Gu Yun shook her head, pointing to the tower and the troops arriving before in great fanfare, she countered: speaking of alerting the enemy, Su Yu has achieved that already. His trick now is to pin down a majority of the guards, while dispatching men to sneak into the rear court to steal the wooden case, which is something everyone knows, and most likely Su Ren has long ago taken precautions against such move. So our priority task is to find the right location of the wooden case at the maximum speed, do not care about the number of people, what really counts is that our speed must be fast!

Yes. Ge Jing Yun nodded firmly, confidently got up and left.

Watching Ge Jing Yuns excited and exuberant departing figure, Leng Xiao could not help but feel also somewhat animated, after all, they are competing with the elite troops of the Su family army, this is absolutely a good opportunity one rarely encounters in a lifetime!

A delicate hand gently tapped on his shoulder, Leng Xiao recovered his wits, saw Gu Yuns eyes gleaming, smiling faintly she said: keep calm, dont get excited, especially not when youre going to play out there.

Her words mean Leng Xiaos eyebrows lightly furrowed, pondering hard in rapt attention, Boss appeared so relaxed, could it be that she already has a card up her sleeve, what exactly is she planning to make him do?

Leng Xiao was still caught in his thoughts when the troops standing motionless before the city gate tower suddenly moved. Not only that they moved in a very quick manner, but at the same time they changed also their formation. All the soldiers holding up a torch retreated to the back of the troops, simultaneously the side surface of their bronze shields were uniformly and evenly lifted up high overhead, two men shared a shield, one holding the shield, another holding a bow, in concert they marched forward. Gu Yun couldnt help but sigh inwardly, within a short period of time to convert into a matrix formation without any hitch, several hundreds of people deployed in such a smooth execution, it really was impressive. The combination of shields and bows and arrows acting mutually in concert, theres both offensive and defensive elements, if Su Yu simply wants to divert the attention of part of the guards through this battle formation, not only its already enough, it also can sustain for a long time.

Gu Yun turned around, facing the soldiers behind her who were creeping in the underbrush and with looks of admiration on their faces, she said: have a good look at how others besiege, no matter what and when you must not underestimate your opponents, find out their strengths in order to learn, but find out also their vulnerabilities in order to attack.

At this moment the soldiers could not reply loud, so they can only quickly straighten their bodies, their eyes unblinking staring ahead, Gu Yun pleased finally turned around, and continued to watch attentively the situation in front.

In front a confrontation was imminent, in the rear court it also was not tranquil, Ge Jing Yun took the topographic map and tucked it inside his sleeve, facing the many soldiers behind him who were chosen, he explained: According to instructions of Boss, three men in a team, in case you encounter guards, cover the person who came in to search the room, you must hasten, dont dilly-dally, with or without the wooden case come out immediately. Do you understand?


Under cover of the nights darkness, nimble figures rapidly sneaked into all directions of the rear of the camp.

Ge Jing Yun together with two soldiers advanced towards the nearest courtyard where the most dangerous room is, swiftly they moved and went, en route he felt and heard a few times light unusual sounds behind him, looking back, he saw several men dressed in blue also vigilantly watching them; both their commanding officers did not tell them what to do should they encounter the other troops, in the hallway several people separated and for a moment stood opposite one another, but ultimately Ge Jing Yun whispered: lets go.

Their most important task now is to find the wooden case!

Vigilantly they rushed their way towards the front of the room, just when the three almost arrived, they heard a commotion and sounds of fighting from the rear court, it looks like someone has been discovered!They need to hurry!The trio crossed over the side of the courtyard, and finally darted to the front of the room; at this moment, a team of guards happened to be patrolling there, in front of the room nowhere is a spot to hide, a head-on bitter encounter with the guards is unavoidable.

When Dong Lin, the leader of the guards, saw them without batting an eyelid he simply turned to the guards behind and said: Capture them. They are nothing more than just some new army recruits, this so-called night raid is practically an insult to them!

Dong Lins disdainful eyes made the threeclenched their fists, Ge Jing Yun inwardly admonished himself to remain calm, inclining his head to the side he told the skinny soldier behind him: You go and check. Well cover you.

The young lad nodded, extremely fast he rushed into the room, Ge Jing Yun and the other soldier stood near left and right of the door, staring alertly at the brawny men heading towards them.

The drive and aggression honed constantly in the army life surged within, Ge Jing Yun strived to hold up, but the hands of the soldier beside him started to tremble, glaring at him for a moment Ge Jing Yun yelled: Watch out! Losing your head?! The task must be accomplished!

To embolden himself, Ge Jing Yun took the lead, he moved forward to meet the tall and robust guard who clearly looked down on him even though Ge Jing Yuns build is also sturdy as an ox.

Evidently the other party underestimates the enemy, Ge Jing Yun deceptively stepped forward, reaching out his hand he grabbed the guards front shirt; the guard sneered, he too wanted to throw a punch. His thick and solid arm extended, a move that was easily blocked off next by Ge Jing Yuns surprise attack. He was caught off guard. Ge Jing Yun conveniently grabbed the guards arm, bent his body, his other hand grabbed the guards waistband, he executed a beautiful shoulder throw maneuver [a judo throwing technique]!

The guards burly body fiercely fell to the ground, the ground beneath practically shook, everyone was struck dumb for a moment; at about the same time the door opened,the young lad ran out of the room shaking his head towards them, the room was empty, the case wasnt inside.

Ge Jing Yun shouted aloud: quickly retreat!

As soon as his voice fell, the three of them as they have agreed before they entered the camp, ran off to three different directions. Dong Lins eyes glinted cold, his lean figure dashed after Ge Jing Yun; Ge Jing Yun got alarmed, rapid-fire he raised his right foot and took out a short dagger from hisboot, brandishing it in a flick.Suddenlya cold light flashed, Dong Lin did not expect his body concealed a weapon, added to that Ge Jing Yuns thrust was strong, Dong Lins split-second sloppiness already gave Ge Jing Yun the chance to slip away.

Dong Lin furiously commanded: Chase! Damn it, just like that he let him escape!

Outside a battle was raging on, but within the headquarter there still was a leisurely sight to behold.On top of a table, a woodenchessboard was cluttered with white and black chess pieces, the mechanics of the game resemble not a bit like the game of Go, Su Rens one hand was delicately holding a cup of the Liuyue tea, his other hand holding a white chess piece, patiently waiting for Han Shu to put down his piece.

Han Shus hand was grasping a black piece, but he did not know for how long he ought to have put it down already, this game of Gobang seemed simple, but playing itis actually challenging!Picking up the teacup beside him for a mouthful of drink, Han Shu clenched his teeth, and placed the chess piece.

Su Ren eagerly also put down his white piece, you lost.

Han Shu looked closer, indeed there were five pieces connected, how strange!How on earth did he miss that?!

Reporting. A male voice resounded outside, Han Shu in a foul mood, hollered: Speak.

Already familiar with Han Shus bad temper, Dong Lin wasnt perturbed by his tiger roar, calmly he reported: Lieutenant General Su already brought his blue soldiers to the city gate tower and has begun to launch the first attack, Lieutenant General Wu is in the thickof contending with them following your deployment orders. Meanwhile in the rear court hundreds of soldiers in black and more than thirty soldiers in blue suddenly appeared. The soldiers garbed in black were divided into groups of three, their action was swift running to each availableroom. Our soldiers intercepted them. We captured all the blue soldiers, but only eighteen among the black soldiers.

Su Ren holding the tea in his hand paused, raising his voice he ordered: Come in and explain.

As soon as Dong Lin stepped into the room, Su Ren immediately asked: Why is it only eighteen black-uniformed soldiers were arrested? More than a hundred men barged in, but only eighteen were taken captive, when did his elite soldiers turn so lousy?

Dong Lins face obviously stiffened, but his voice remained steady, he answered: They had definite targets, were highly coordinated, moved extremely quick, once theyve ascertained the wooden case is not in the room, they then dispersed into multiple directions. Not only that their fighting techniques were quite bizarre, their weapons were also very superior.

Su Ren scowled, What weapons did they use? He could not quite recall what sort of superior weapons they have.

Daggers. Dong Lin proffereda dagger he tookfrom a captured army recruit.

Su Ren received the dagger handed over and examined it, indeed it was more exquisite andcompact than an ordinary dagger, one that is handy to carry around.Han Shu whose mood was initially gloomy blatantly laughed out loud when he saw the thing in Su Rens hands, smugly he asked: what do you think, sharp and exquisite ones, arent they? I had these madeaccording to Madams request. He had to find a lot of craftsmen to forge them!That they actually played a vital role in the night raid, his toilwasnt in vain.

Even so, it ought not be only eighteen men getting arrested, Qing Mo, seriously, is your army training technique really this formidable?

Noting Su Rens stern face, Han Shus mood perked up, chortling he said: after their foray, Madam will no doubt soon be able to expose your feint.

Slowly Su Ren put down the dagger he was holding, the corners of his mouth faintly curled up, nonchalantly he replied: I had expected that she will eventually see through it, but just not so soon. However, it is now yinshi [3-5 am], in another shichen [2-hour period] the dawn breaks, within a shichenshe would not be able todecipher my dual battle formation stratagem. Tonights raid could be considered a failure, and tomorrow I may not necessarily place the wooden case in the same spot.

He did not want the search for the wooden case to be a breeze, or why else did he give them three nights for it.

A bemused Han Shu clucked his tongue and sighed: who would have thought youd take this to heart. At first Su Ren also thought he wouldjust have fun with them, who knew he would beusing battle formation stratagems on them; he looked out the window, time indeed is running out.

Su Yu did not don an armor, as hewas just clad in simple clothes he watched from the sidelines at the very back of his troops, his brows furrowed andeyes squinting, he gazed intently at the battles situation in front, his countenance remained unruffled.From atop the walls, the arrows were pouring down like heavy rain. Thanks to his rigorous training, it can be said this group ofnew army recruits did pretty well. They were basically able to fend off the spate of arrow attacks. The combination ofshields and bows and arrows worked so well, but so far it seemed, neither side gained the upper hand,a stalemate persisted.

Reporting. A very young lad in blue came running, stopped besideSu Yu,and said: After the soldiers entered the camp, they were immediately discovered by the guards,all were captured. And

The young lad stammered, Su Yus cold voice erupted: report the truth!

Yes! The young lad did not hesitate anymore, continued: At the same timehundreds of black-clad soldiers showed up, together they sneaked into the camp, many people went in, but a lot also ran out.

Qing Mo could not also wait to attack? While he engaged second elder brothers forces in a battle, taking advantage of the chaos she sneaked into the camp to steal the wooden case! Thinking he ought to end it beautifully, lowering his voice Su Yu said: Move two hundred soldiers to the back of the camp and lie in wait for them, if theyve stolen the wooden case,ambush them right away and snatch it.

Yes. The young lad hurried away.

Glancing up to the tower, the tower commander appeared to merely rely on shooting arrows to confront the enemy, Su Yu snickered, it seems second elder brother only thought of dispatching a few hundred men tonight nothing more than to trifle with them, it wont do. Su Yus dark eyes slightly narrowed, his handsome face lifted, turning to the messenger behind him he ordered: switch to wedge battle formation, launch an all-out attack.


Before the city gate tower, the troops lined up again at breakneck speed to change formation, afterwards the formation taking shape was narrow in front but broad at the back.The soldiers at the back holding the bows were covered with the soldiers in front hoisting the shields overhead to fend off falling arrows, the entire formation is now shaped like a long sword, rushing all the way to the gate.

With rapt attention Gu Yun watched the lively scene playing out in front, after a while, Ge Jing Yun with the soldiers finally came back.

Gu Yun urgently asked: how did it go?

Running all the way back they were breathless, but stillGe Jing Yun was steady and calm in replying: the guards were keen and brave, although we were very careful and quick,eighteen of our men were captured. Out of the sixty rooms in the rear court, fifty-seven were already searched, we did not find the wooden case.

Gu Yun looked glum, somethings fishy!

Fifty-seven out of sixty, only three rooms were not searched, the odds of finding the wooden case thereinis five percent, very unlikely!If the wooden case is not in the rear court, why did Su Ren take great pains to assign so many guards in the rear court, what was his intention? Just to confound the enemy? In that case, wheres the wooden case? Inside the main headquarters hall, or in the study? Or in the adjacent halls?

Gu Yun knitted her brows, mulled over, and whispered: take out your topographic map, let me look at it again.

Yes. Ge Jing Yun took out the map from his sleeve and rolled it out in front of Gu Yun. Under the moonlight the intricate drawings were blurry and confusing, but Gu Yun did not complain or puzzled over a bit. It seemed that in such dark surroundings, as to the issue of darkness, it was as if a common enough occurrence for her.

Sharp eyes moved back and forth on the drawings, her cold voice carried no delight but anger, after you sneaked in, was there a change in the deployment of forces?

A moment ago when he took the head count, he also asked the other soldiers about the circumstances inside; after sorting out his recollections for a while Ge Jing Yun cautiously replied: the rear court was heavily guarded as before, more than half of the soldiers remained in the rear court, but one thing very suspicious was, the guards were mostly concentrated in the rear court and in the courtyard, probably more than five hundred guards were stationed out there, but only two hundred actually patrolled the rear court.

Five hundred soldiers stationed, but only two hundred people were patrolling, then the others were guarding the place where the wooden case is?!

Understanding dawned on Gu Yuns eyes, letting out a deep sigh she said: Su Rens good! In fact, the five hundred soldiers were not there at all to guard the room in the rear court, but were dispatched to patrol in order to mislead them, simultaneously the guards were able to arrest the infiltrators before theyve reached the courtyard, what they really want to protect is the courtyard! So on one hand, in front is the tower, behind it is a fierce commanding officer, athough the courtyard had no patrolling guards, in the camp it has become the safest and most unreachable place.

Fingers gently groped on the drawings, going by Su Rens character no way could the wooden case be inside the main headquarter, it should be in her index finger finally stopped at one place. Gu Yuns eyes gleamed slyly like a cats in the dim light, Gu Yun hooked her fingers towards Leng Xiao and Ge Jing Yun, laughed and said: You two come over, well divide our soldiers and fan out in two directions, Leng Xiao, you from

The night darkens, it ought to be a tranquil night, but because of the red-hot blazing torches, the wave after wave of attacks and all the clamor, the night turned out restless and noisy.

Following Su Yus command for a change in battle formation, most of the soldiers rushed in front and have now arrived below the tower. To capture the tower, there are only two ways: first, to knock down and open the gates; second, to climb the high walls and force entrance from atop, the walls are more than three zhang tall (~30 feet), even if theyre able to fling up rope ladders, climbing also needs a lot of time, the towers protected by many archers, not to mention the hundreds of guards waiting for them in the tower.

Therefore Su Yu opted to break open the gates, in front, dozens of soldiers jointly wrapping their arms around a big tree trunk, under cries of rhythmic cadence rammed the gates repeatedly, the sound of a dull thud coming from the towering bronze gates can be heard, jolting peoples minds and shaking their hearts.

Atop the city wall tower one has a clear view of the outside of the gate tower and the rear court, the situation inside the camp can be clearly observed from this vantage point. On top of the wall tower, Su Ren looked down on the soldiers holding the tree trunk slamming into the gates, instead of fury his face wore a cool and unhurried smile. The quality of the new army recruits is excellent, brave young men will once again join the ranks of the Su family army, on this note hes naturally delighted. Beside him, Han Shu also candidly laughed, saying: the training on battle formations is pretty good! The training took only a fortnight yet formation changes were accomplished smoothly and without a hitch, their first time on the battlefield yet there are no hints of timidity and panic, not bad at all!

If you continue trifling with them with your arrows, it wont take long before the gates would be knocked open. Han Shu said, gleefully gloating a bit.

Su Ren relied on the archers to keep this herd of greenhorns outside, he reckons that is impossible now, with shields over their heads, even the arrows falling like rain werent able to disrupt their battle formation, the guards too are at their wits end.

Someone come. Su Ren called out softly.

Yes. A lieutenant quickly stepped forward.

Attack with rocks. Hesitating for a moment, Su Ren continued, choose small pieces.


Listening to Su Rens command, Han Shu could not help but laugh heartily, whacking him on the shoulder, laughingly he jested: Incredibly youre the loving type, to be so considerate to the two battling armies!

Su Ren laughed in silence, but his deep and dark eyes were secretly scouring for Gu Yuns figure, he cant believe that shed only send men to search out the rear of the camp and afterwards no longer take action, in an hour the sun will shine, what plan is she concocting?

Following the guards diversionary rocks attack tactic, rocks as big as heads were hurled down from the high tower, one can well imagine the falling impact. Even though there were shields to block the blow, still it was staggering, the initial orderly battle formation was immediately thrown into disarray. The situation took a dramatic turn for the worse, soon the soldiers below stopped what they were doing. All of a sudden a number of flaming arrows hit both sides of the walls, in a flash, the tower was splashed with blazing fire. The garrison commander had no choice but to divide his guards, a half of them to extinguish the fire, the rest to launch counterattacks. Below the army recruits who were ramming against the gates finally got a brief chance to take a breather.

Suddenly on the city gate tower fire was in all directions, Han Shus eyes lit up, chuckling he said: Madam finally emerged.

Su Ren immediately got thrilled, at last she appeared! Suddenly a heavy hand pressed on his shoulder, Han Shus startled voice rang out in his ear, Look behind you!

Su Ren looked back towards the rear courts direction, hundreds of black soldiers sneaked in again, like a tide they flooded into the rear court, and their hands were holding shields? Added to that, to attack using that kind of big shields nearly as high as a man, what are they up to?!

On their side, scrutinizing the situation below, Su Ren and Han Shu were extremely puzzled, on his side Su Yu also inwardly grew suspicious, why did Qing Mo at this time send troops to help him, even if she was also going to attack, couldnt she at least wait after his attack fails? While wondering, he sensed a shadow coming towards him, lifting his head to his side, the person who else but Gu Yun! With a nonchalant smile on her face, she stood beside him, baffled Su Yu asked: You dont command your troops? Why are you here by me?

Gu Yun shrugged and replied: Ive already deployed well, now I can watch. Besides this time theyre more capable, Ive nothing else to do, why not I stand here and observe the battle? The best location is here!

Altogether she has many convenient reasons one cannot refute, to watch the tower in front, to take shelter both from the flying, oncoming flaming arrows and the launched counterattacks. The garrison guards who at the onset deftly resisted the siege below were now eventually thrown into a slight state of chaos.

Su Yu lightly laughed: I thought you would not attack tonight, that youd hide from the sidelines using me to test the waters and assess my second brothers actual situation. Then tomorrow night youd make a move. I didnt expect you to quickly run out of patience.

Gu Yun gently arched her eyebrow and laughed: Oh I see. All this big hullabaloo is just a reconnaissance mission to prepare for tomorrow nights attack? Do you think tomorrow that wily second brother of yours will use the same deployment positions?

Su Yus brows wrinkled a bit, he kept silent, of course hes aware second brother is dynamic, but he doubts hed go so far as changing the deployment of forces for the night raid every night!

Gu Yun did not think so, Tonight Su Ren and the guards are in their most lax moment, therefore, it is also the time most likely to score victory. If its not tonight, tomorrow night, or the night after Im afraid even if we join forces we will not be able to beat your brother. The Su family armys indomitable spirit has always been unequalled, its pride inevitably led to underestimating its enemy, tonight is the best chance!

After a very long time, Su Yu slowly nodded, only to shake his head and sigh immediately afterwards, saying: In an hour the sky will be bright. Im afraid it would be difficult to win tonight. Those garrison guards are veteran soldiers. Their panic only lasts for a short time. If brother consequently moves a hundred men to reinforce, the more difficult it is to win.

Her lips slightly puckered, Gu Yun confidently replied: Hmm, not necessarily!

Su Yu stared at her speechless, what makes her so confident?

As soon as Gu Yuns voice fell, a piercing whoosh sounded, a silvery light leaped out from the shadows, straightly sticking on top of the city wall, appearing slender, it was actually a shaft of a long spear?! The tail was still rapidly quivering, obviously it was thrown with great force.

Su Yu quickly looked towards the spot where the flash of silvery light originated from and saw a huge crossbow lying on the ground, more than a dozen soldiers were right in the middle of laboriously pulling fully the thick bow string, and their arrow is the shaft of the silver spear!

What the hell are they doing?

While Su Yu was still wondering, another silver spear flew out! The silver spear was embedded on the upper right!

Within the time when everyone was still puzzling over, four or five silver spears had been shot and stuck up on the city wall. Su Yu turned to Gu Yun whose face had this calm and expectant expression, mocking her he said: When you said not necessarily, you dont mean relying on these few spears, do you?

Gu Yun nodded, she replied brashly: But of course.

What trick is she now playing?

Its not only Su Yu who was left wondering, but Su Ren too was endlessly bewildered, even more hes wondering about the soldiers in the rear court holding in their hands these shields rushing forward going on the same direction, she set this up she must have a plan, but what is it?

Finally, after the seventh silver spear was shot, the flaming arrows offensive turned more intense than before on both sides, about seventy to eighty men curiously dressed in black appeared below the city walls, they must have taken advantage of the chaos earlier on the tower to sneak past.

Because they moved close to the walls, Gu Yun and Su Yu can clearly follow their every move. The guards didnt notice them as they were busy dodging the flaming arrows and launching counterattacks.

Until they moved beneath the silver spears, Su Yu finally understood the plan of Gu Yun, but he did not agree with it at all. Su Yu faced Gu Yun and asked: Even if you have a few men among your team of new recruits with excellent martial arts skills, but three or five men going up to attack, whats the point? Isnt it seeing them off to die? Those few pieces of silver spears stuck far apart, highly skilled martial artists who use qinggong may perhaps have the ability to climb up, but for the average person even with a healthy physique, it is impossible to go up ah!

Gu Yun remained unmoved, her alert eyes slightly squinted, looking up to the two fuzzy figures on the tower, she believed Su Ren doubtless is also closely monitoring the battle. Su Yus lucky to be able to watch this attack right before his eyes, but he does not have the chance to watch the other attack in the rear court. Su Rens eyes must be having a feast, right? Her forefinger gently stroking her cheek, Gu Yun replied with a faint smile: Relax, dont get too excited. The real fun has just begun. In fact at the moment, by comparison, Im eager to see more your second brothers crushed and deflated look rather than your beaten one.

Su Yus face at once darkened, cursing under his breath he said: you are without question an arrogant, conceited woman!

Gu Yun pointed towards the front, chuckled and said: just you wait and see.

Su Yu followed the direction of her gaze, the immediate scene unfolding before his eyes struck him dumb as if something got stuck in his throat, They

One moment the soldiers were standing beneath the walls, right now at an incredible speed they are climbing up. Their skill is amazingly vigorous and nimble. It appears that the long, slender silver spears jutting out of the walls where calculated and meant to be where they are! Clad in black clothes, like geckos, leaping and vaulting on the walls, unlike the whirlwind qinggong moves, they are actually climbing, and that makes it even more amazing!

Added to that not only one or two men are executing these motions, but the seventy to eighty people under the walls are all climbing up, counting the time, unexpectedly in less than a half stick of incense (i.e., the time it takes to burn half a joss stick).

Such a dramatic operation and incredible technique, not only the soldiers behind Su Yu were stunned grinning ear to ear, even the soldiers who were still trying to ram against the gates were gawking speechless.

What on earth they want to do? Han Shu stared at the rear court for a very long time, but he still does not get it!

A group of soldiers holding up in their hands high, big shields, encountering guards along the way in their march to the inside of the camp they didnt attack, just lifting up the broad shields which protected entirely the bodies behind them, continuously they charged their way to the courtyard, only defending but not attacking!

Finally with great difficulty they have reached the area where the rear court converges to the courtyard, the place where most guards were stationed. Instantly they divided into two and eventually encircled around a group, the two separated into four. When there are guards who attack, immediately they close in together. By means of the shields they are trapped inside. Precisely with this strange on and off separation-and-closing-in tactic surprisingly they contained many guards in between their shields.

The more Su Ren and Han Shu watched the more they marveled, in this manner they were simply able to temporarily stall the guards in the rear court, but what is the purpose of this?

Sounds of clashing blades coming from the top of the gate tower riveted back Su Ren and Han Shus attention, they have watched the rear court for just a moment, how come the gate tower is now breached?

Su Rens face finally displayed a dramatic change of expression, towards the lieutenant general beside him he growled low: how did that come about?

Su Ren is rarely ruffled, the lieutenant general promptly replied: black-clad soldiers using a crossbow shot and embedded spears above the city walls, using the shafts of the spears they climbed up, in less than a half stick of incense a hundred men came up, it was way too late for my army to react as they attacked as soon as they were up.

Focusing his eyes, indeed on the walls several spears were randomly protruding, torn between surprise and anger, Su Ren could not help but groan: Relying on a few random spears they can unimaginably climb up, quickly attacking the city walls, the quality of this new batch of recruits is damn good!

Han Shu shook his head and replied: While its true that the quality of the recruits is pretty good, the one even more admirable is the person who trained them. Ive seen first-hand their distress and fear when they climbed the rock wall, and now a short ten days later, they can amazingly already perform this. Without doubt Madam is a capable person!

The tower is an area easy to defend. Su Ren sent three hundred elite guards who were already more than enough, but he did not reckon with an attack of a hundred men climbing up, plus a team of soldiers ramming the gates below. The flaming arrows still kept on flying towards the walls, momentarily, pandemonium reigned in the tower.

Without reinforcements coming, the city gates he reckons will not hold up!

Su Ren and Han Shu simultaneously turned round, looking towards the guards who are momentarily penned in by the high, broad shields in the rear court, all of a sudden the strategy of Gu Yun dawned on them.

Su Rens face grew more deflated, but Han Shu was laughing out loud, Commander Su, it seems that Madams tactic is not only a simple diversion, but should also be called a two-pronged approach! Hahaha Its obvious your dual deployment stratagem had just been cracked.

Su Ren this time indeed became victim of his own ingenuous plan!

Su Ren shook his head with a wry smile, around this time several black-clad soldiers left the fighting on the tower, directly stormed to the area far behind the city gate and entered a small room where the guards rest and sleep.

Pushing open the rooms wooden door, they did not have to look hard, a long wooden case was placed flat on top of a table, the young soldier Liu Xing happily laughed saying: Just as Boss predicted, sure enough the wooden case is really here!

He was just about to pick it up, when he felt a chill coming through the wooden case, baffled Liu Xing remarked: Huh? Whats inside this? Something frozen?

It does not matter, hurry up, lets go, lets give the wooden case to Boss to win! Leng Xiao grabbed the tablecloth and wrapped it around the wooden case! Strapping it to his back, he dashed first out of the room.

They returned again to the gate tower. When the guards saw them they were surprised. No one expected that after Leng Xiao snatched the wooden case, he would actually choose to exit from the tower. Liu Xing and several others covered for him as Leng Xiao jumped down from the tower. Actually he knows martial arts, his qinggong skill is not bad, leaping down from a three zhang altitude it can be said is not at all too difficult for him.

At the same time he jumped down, the soldiers who fired the flaming arrows on both sides of the walls and were lying in wait finally emerged from the shadows, and covered his retreat.

Leng Xiao did not stall, rushing towards Gu Yuns direction finally he stood in front of her, hurriedly Leng Xiao took the wooden case and proffered it to Gu Yuns hands: Boss, Ive got the wooden case at last!

Running like mad a moment ago he was too nervous all the way, only now he sensed the tingling numbness on his back, his back is practically frozen and numb, what on earth is inside this wooden case?

Gu Yun took the wooden case, but she did not seem to feel its very cold condition, setting the case upright on the ground Gu Yun glanced to Su Yu, laughing she declared: It seems the game is over.

The wooden case is now in Gu Yuns hands, the battle has really ended.

Su Ren and Han Shu descended from the tower, went out of the city gate, all the soldiers were lined up outside standing in the open space, at this moment, tiny red rays of light also pierced the clouds, heralding the break of the day.

Su Ren stood in the middle of Su Yu and Gu Yun, looking to Su Yu, he asked: The outcome of the battle has been decided, third brother, do you have anything to say?

In front of everybody, Su Yu did not waver, straightforwardly he spoke: I concede I lost the bet, I have nothing more to say.

Gu Yun smiled, even though this man is rude, impetuous and haughty, yet hes also upright, did not care for other peoples approval or opinion, her view of him improved a bit.

Recalling the wooden case she held, Gu Yun handed it over to Su Ren, this is yours.

Su Ren declined to accept it, he merely smiled and said: Since you gain the spoils of war, its now yours.

A booty, huh? All along she sensed Su Rens meaningful facial expression appeared odd! Gu Yun caressed the wooden case, the chill made her suspect, Bing Lian?

Opening the wooden case, inside lies indeed the snow white, sparkling silvery Bing Lian.

The expression on Su Yus face dramatically changed, anxiously he spoke: Second brother, how can you arbitrarily decide?! Only the daughter-in-law of the Su family can have this sword, second brother how can you

Su Ren gently interrupted him, its not my decision, its Bing Lians own choice.

Do not Su Yu did not have time to finish speaking, already he watched in horror as Gu Yun grasped Bing Lian, smiling she was caressing the sword blade, not the slightest bit frozen by its coldness! She Bing Lian really chose her?!

Gu Yun has always liked Bing Lian. The last time she had to leave it in a hurry, but she missed gripping it tight in her hands. Remembering its innate magic, Gu Yun could not resist taking outBing Lian to examineit again.

The moment the long sword was unsheathed, a voiceless cry, as if a touch of bright moonlight, as cold like frost a cold light suddenly shone, apart from Gu Yun, everyone within ten feet from Bing Lian felt the arctic cold air.

Even if Su Yu still wants to say something more, he can only hold it back! Yet not knowing why, in his heart rage suddenly surged forth, not knowing how to describe how he felt, in short, he felt terribly upset, even more upset than losing in the battle!

Gu Yun finally sensed everyone behaved peculiar, she put back Bing Lian into its scabbard and case, still intending to give Bing Lian back to Su Ren. He had already guessed her intention, changing the subject Su Ren said: Sister-in-law, you won this battle, the last time you have not set the stake of the bet, now you may say what you want?

Stake of the bet? Oh yes, she almost forgot about this matter. She entered into this battle, first, because she was extremely bored, second, Su Yus persistentpoor attitude towards women, but actually she just wanted to curb his spirit, and now the goal was achieved, it seems theres nothing she wants in particular. Across her eyes flitted seemingly a feeling ofloss, or perhaps dejection, or excitement, or expectation, the corners of Gu Yuns mouth gently turned up, she knows what she wants.

Gu Yun stepped forward, her voice resonant she said: the soldiers who participated in the night raid battle today are all outstanding. I want them all together to stay in the General Manor, join the Su family armys elite division and become excellent soldiers.

After Gu Yuns voice fell, silence followed afterwards, especially among the defeated new recruits, every one of them stared wide-eyed at Gu Yun, lest they heard it wrong!

Su Ren laughed hard, thats it? Of course, he planned already to keep all these men, if this is the case, then the favor she demanded is already considered granted.

Gu Yun nodded her head in confirmation, replied: Yes.


Hearing Su Rens approval, the first to recover their wits were Leng Xiao and Ge Jing Yun, they replied in unison: Thanks a lot, Boss!

Gu Yun laughingly said: You deserve this. In the future you have to train hard, or else

Leap frog a thousand times! A multitude this time cried out.

Dumbfounded Gu Yun did not know whether to laugh or cry.

Su Ren can clearly see the rapport between the soldiers and Gu Yun, even though at this moment he didnt really want to interrupt, but he said in a bright, clear voice: The battle ends today. Starting tomorrow, all the soldiers who participated in the night raid battle can stay at the General Manor. Your group will join the Piao [white horse] cavalry battalion.

Many thanks Commander!

Gu Yuns eyes rolled, the battle has already concluded, she now wants to meet Qing, the sooner the better, if she faints in front of so many people right now, the Su family will unlikely not summon a doctor, right?

Her mind quickly came up with a plan, Gu Yun closed her eyes, stiffened her body to fall on her back.

Naturally she was already bracing herself well for the fall, but when she was just about to fall to the ground something suddenly tightened on her waist, a pair of warm hands tightly embraced her collapsing body.

Qing Mo! Whats wrong with you? Qing Mo! Quickly wake up! Wake up!

Is it Su Yu?

Who knew his reaction would be this fast, a pity she could not wake up.



Hurry, hurry, hurry, call a doctor!

After she passed out, the big crowd of men expectedly turned into a mass of chaos. Gu Yun pleased with such outcome, closed her eyes, relaxed her body and blacked out in grand style.

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