A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 6.5 Chapter 78: He’s Not Here

Volume 6.5 Chapter 78: He’s Not Here

Volume 6.5 Chapter 78: He’s Not Here

Keith was walking out by himself one day. It was quite a typical day if he didn't account for the stares raining down. Will it last a few more weeks? That was what he hoped for. The only thing he wanted to do was to head to the library and read some books. 

"Keith!" Turning his head, he saw Scarlet running towards him. But that was what made Keith so startled. She's breathing so hard. Scarlet's breath was ragged as if she had run a marathon. The next thing that surprised her was the tears in her eyes. 

"What's the matter?" 

"I need your help!" Without any hesitation, Scarlet clutched onto Keith's clothes! 

"Calm down for a second." Keith patted her shoulders, "Please tell me what you need help with." This was something Keith was not sure of. 

"My friend is in trouble."

"Hmm?!" Your friend is sick?! 

"I just got a report from one of my maids that something happened to her! I need your help to get something!"

"What do I need to get?"

"Dragon honey from a dragon bee."

"Dragon bee?" Keith had heard of them before. They lived a couple of days away from them. However, he also heard how dangerous they were.

"Please! You're the only one I can ask for in this situation. Please!" Scarlet continued crying as she clutched his arm, begging him for help. 

"..." Keith stared at the woman before deeply sighing, "I understand. I will help you get the dragon honey." 

Scarlet looked up at him, "Really?!"

"Mmhmm." Keith grinned as he patted the girl's head, "I will go get it for you. So stop crying."

"Thank you so much!" Keith said nothing else as he needed to prepare for this journey. As he left, he didn't see the smirk Scarlet had as she watched him. This will really test him. The idea came to her a few days ago. Since Keith had known about her past, she could use this to her advantage. As she thought about this, 

This isn't the right way to do things. 

A voice filled with disappointment and sadness tickled her ear. It was telling her that what she was doing was wrong. But the only thought in her mind was to show that Keith hid a dark side.


"Sorry about this, Knight, Aria." Keith brought Knight and Aria out from the island in the dead of night. He would need the two's assistance to set off to the hive. 

"Ngeh," "Hoo!" The two beasts sounded; they didn't mind helping out. Keith sighed in relief as he jumped on Knight. The group quickly arrived at part of the wall.

"Aria, work your magic." The guards were there now. 

"Hoo," Aria quickly made them float up and over before the guards could spot them! 

I will have to explain it to them later. Keith had left without telling anyone about it. However, he had no choice; time was of the essence. 

I can't let her down. Scarlet's words had resonated with him. Keith could relate to the care Scarlet had for her friend. They were family; that was what he could tell. 

That was why he was going to help her out.

"Knight, you can go your fastest." The warhorse didn't need to hold back right now. 

"Ngeh!" With those words, the horse rushed with blinding speed! 


Scarlet was having a conversation with a few demons. But as she talked with them, her eyes never left the door. She was waiting for Keith to enter the class. The moment he did, she would question him. There was nowhere he could run to. 

Surprisingly, Keith never showed up. It was Gabriel and the rest; Keith was missing from the group.

Eh? Where is he? Scarlet blinked as she didn't expect Keith not to arrive. But as she thought about where he was,

"That Keith! How could he sneak off without telling us about it?!"

"He should have invited us!" 

"You two are saying it like it's a good thing." Gabriel shook his head at the two. Everyone saw the letter Keith had left on the dining table. 

Going to be out for a while. 

It was so casual and regular that they were not surprised. Keith had always been like this. What made them angry was not inviting anyone to go with him!

"..." Scarlet overheard their conversation, and that caused her expression to drop. Noticing her expression,

"Princess, is something the matter?"

"Did something happen?"

"No, it's nothing." Scarlet shook her head. But it wasn't something she could ignore. Something swelled in her mouth, making it difficult to speak. But it was slowly brought down as she shook her head. There was no way he went there. Dragon bees were A-class monsters. They would not be messed with even if Keith was B-rank; he would be stupid…right?

I bet he will just give up halfway! That has to be it. But what she said had not happened.


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