A Divine Farmer

Chapter 192

Chapter 192 - If I Were Your Girlfriend!

Zhang Xiaolong trusted Yaru's assessment of the Su family's underestimated strength. Yet, the thought of asking them for a loan of several hundred million left him at a loss for words.

“How should I put it? ‘Hey, could you spot me a few hundred million for a bit of fun?'” Zhang Xiaolong quipped.

Chen Yaru gave him a knowing look. “Su Mingtang has already acknowledged that the Su family owes you for saving his and his daughter's lives twice. It shouldn't be too hard to cash in that favor for a loan. We've got to at least give it a shot. This is our last resort. If we can't secure a loan from the Su family, we'll be left to chance. To play it safe, I'd rather have the money and not need it than regret not asking for it later.”

“I get what you're saying, it's just… Su Mei…” Zhang Xiaolong was aware of her fondness for him and now felt like he couldn't avoid her fast enough. Approaching her now might lead to misunderstandings, wouldn't it?

“I see it too. Su Mei genuinely likes you,” Chen Yaru said with a slight pout. “You've played the hero twice now, saving the damsel in distress. It's no wonder.”

Zhang Xiaolong coughed awkwardly, only to hear Chen Yaru continue, “Still, we need to borrow the money. Business is business, and personal is personal. Plus, I trust that my husband wouldn't like someone just for their money. If we end up owing the Su family, I'll be right there with you to pay them back. Borrowing a billion now could mean repaying them many times over in the future. With Elegant Dragon Drinks, it's all within reach. So, even though I'm not thrilled about Su Mei using this as a chance to get closer to you, we can't afford to pass up such an opportunity.”

“Yaru…” Zhang Xiaolong embraced her, moved by her words.

“Come on, if you don't call Su Mei right away, it'll be too late,” Chen Yaru urged, gently pushing him back. “We're not the only ones eyeing Xu's Strong Dragon Group. If others are seeking alliances too, whoever hesitates will be out of the game.”

With a deep breath, Zhang Xiaolong finally located Su Mei's number and made the call.

The call connected quickly, and Su Mei's voice emerged from the other end, “Zhang Xiaolong, is that you?”

“Yes, it's me, Su Mei…” Although he had planned to ask for a loan, Zhang Xiaolong found himself faltering upon hearing her voice. “Is Mr. Su available? I need his assistance with something.”

Chen Yaru silently empathized with her husband's plight. Her dear husband was clueless about charming women. A seasoned romantic would have sweet-talked Su Mei first, winning her over and, by extension, securing Su Mingtang's favor by a good ninety percent.

But now…

Well, Chen Yaru was conflicted. If Zhang Xiaolong had resorted to such tactics, he wouldn't be the straightforward and sincere man she fell for.

“Zhang Xiaolong, do you have a moment now?” Su Mingtang's voice conveyed a hint of irritation, a clear reminder of his displeasure from the last time Zhang Xiaolong had declined his dinner invitation.

“Mr. Su, what do you mean? I truly wasn't feeling well last time. If you're available, it's my duty as the younger to invite you out for a meal,” Zhang Xiaolong quickly explained, sensing the need to apologize.

“No need for dinner. Just tell me what you need,” Su Mingtang replied, his tone suggesting he was one to hold a grudge, each word a subtle repayment for the previous snub.

Zhang Xiaolong felt cornered, but what choice did he have when he was the one asking for help? “Here's the situation. Xu's Strong Dragon Group is going up for public auction soon, and I'm looking to acquire it. However, I'm a bit short on funds. I was hoping you might be able to lend me some, Mr. Su. I assure you, I'll repay it as quickly as possible.”

“Oh, it's about that. That's a significant matter,” Su Mingtang responded gravely, then continued, “However, I've delegated all major company decisions to Su Mei. If you're looking to borrow money, you'll need to discuss it with her.”

A wave of frustration washed over Zhang Xiaolong. He had a sinking feeling that securing this loan was going to be a challenge. Clearly, he was being given the runaround.

At this point, Zhang Xiaolong had no choice but to listen patiently. Hanging up now would mean not only losing the chance to borrow money but potentially ruining his relationship with the Su family for good.

“Hello, Zhang Xiaolong, you're looking to borrow money?” came Su Mei's voice, pleasant yet tinged with emotion.

“Yes,” Zhang Xiaolong replied, his demeanor becoming more composed after letting go of his concerns.

“How much?”

“Roughly five hundred million. Naturally, the more, the better.”

Su Mei chuckled over the phone. “Zhang Xiaolong, tell me, what exactly is our relationship?”

He hesitated briefly before answering, “I'd like to think we're friends. If you disagree, then let's pretend I never mentioned it.”

A twinge of pain crossed Su Mei's heart, but her pride quickly surfaced as she retorted, “Do you really think I'd lend you five hundred million just because we're barely friends?”

“I apologize for the inconvenience,” Zhang Xiaolong said, ready to end the call.

Su Mei's voice, now laced with urgency, stopped him. “Why can't I be your girlfriend? If you'd let me, I'd never let you worry about things like this…”

“Sorry, Miss Su, and thank you for your kind offer, but love isn't something you measure with money. Yaru might not be as wealthy as you, but she's willing to give me her all,” Zhang Xiaolong explained slowly and clearly. “Furthermore, I need to clarify once more that Yaru isn't my girlfriend; she's my wife. I regret having to call and trouble you. Please convey my apologies to Mr. Su as well. Goodbye.”

After the call, Zhang Xiaolong gestured helplessly to Chen Yaru, signaling that he had tried his best.

“Silly husband,” Yaru said, consoling him, “Even if you don't have feelings for her, you shouldn't speak in a way that hurts a girl's feelings. Now, I'm afraid our dealings with the Su family might become quite complicated.”

“I was as diplomatic as possible,” Zhang Xiaolong countered, shaking his head. “Any more sugarcoating might lead to misunderstandings. I don't want to give false hope when there is none. As the saying goes in the countryside, that would be dishonest.”

“I know you're doing this for my sake,” Chen Yaru said, deeply moved. Yet, the thought of having offended the Su family weighed heavily on her. “Still, we should find a chance to talk things over with Su Mei. If that fails, I'll speak with her myself. We can't afford to let her harbor any misunderstandings about you; it would be very problematic.”

In the business world, discussions revolve around deals and profits, with little room for complex emotions. But when a behemoth like the Su family takes a disliking to someone, the fallout can be quite dreadful.

“There shouldn't be any misunderstandings now. If she starts harboring other ideas, then we'll have a real misunderstanding on our hands,” Zhang Xiaolong said, shaking his head as he dismissed the concern. “Regardless, we didn't even have five million before, and we still lived well. We'll take it step by step. Even without the Strong Dragon Group, we're not going to perish.”

“So, what do we do now?” Yaru inquired, feeling somewhat at a loss.

“Right now, let's focus on doing something concrete,” Zhang Xiaolong suggested, releasing his worries as he pulled Yaru into an embrace. “Let's get to work on creating a little Xiaolong, shall we?”

Chen Yaru let out a shriek, attempting to flee, but she was no match for his playful grasp. Soon, the room was aglow with the warmth of spring.

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