A Divine Farmer

Chapter 177

Chapter 177 - I Have to Save Him!

After leaving the Wang family, Zhang Xiaolong didn't head straight to Qingyang; instead, he visited Su Mei's home.

He had been wrestling with the decision to show Su Mei the video, but ultimately, he resolved to reveal the truth. If Wang Zongming was inexplicably released, Su Mingtang certainly wouldn't take it lying down.

The only way to make the whole story clear was to show both of them the videos, ensuring that the Su family would truly stay out of Wang Zongming's affairs.

“This is… Hee Jia?” Su Mei was taken aback when she recognized Hee Jia meeting with Wang Zongyi.

Su Mingtang's face turned sour. Clearly, even though his daughter was unaware, Hee Jia was his mistress. Seeing her with Wang Zongyi, dressed provocatively, left little doubt about the nature of their relationship.

The footage of Hee Jia and Tian Feng in bed together infuriated Su Mingtang to the point where he nearly slammed his hand on the table.

He had provided that woman with a villa, yet there she was, keeping a young lover—two, in fact. The metaphorical greenery atop his head was now all too apparent.

Tian Feng's subsequent confession left them both staggered with disbelief. They finally understood that the entire scheme had been orchestrated by this seemingly sleazy man, who had even played a role in Hee Jia's seduction of Su Mingtang.

Su Mei was horrified at the thought that her close friend had been involved with her own father.

Though she remained silent, the embarrassment Su Mingtang felt was palpable.

“This despicable woman! She plotted to kill my daughter and seize the Su family's fortune. Her intentions are downright malicious!” Su Mingtang exclaimed with venom.

Wang Zongming's plot had been meticulously crafted. If things had continued as planned, Wang Zongyi would have undoubtedly taken over the Wang family's assets. And if Su Mei were out of the picture, Hee Jia might have been elevated to a position of power within the Su family.

These revelations left Su Mingtang sweating with fear. He had believed the woman to be merely money-hungry, with otherwise innocent intentions and a caring nature towards him. He never imagined she would be entangled with so many others, harboring such malevolent schemes.

“Hee Jia is merely a puppet; it's mostly Tian Feng who's behind the planning,” Zhang Xiaolong didn't hold a particularly bad opinion of the woman. “I suspect Tian Feng has grand ambitions. If he manages to get a foothold in the Su family, he might even set his sights on the Wang family next. Then he'd become the undisputed kingpin of the Yishui business scene.”

“I need to call her and ask!” Su Mei was determined. She wanted to hear it from the woman herself whether she was truly behind all these actions.

When she tried calling, all she got was a message that the number was unreachable.

“Don't bother searching for her. The police said Hee Jia has fled. It's unclear whether she ran because her secret was out and she feared prison, or if she had been looking for an escape all along and seized the opportunity when Tian Feng was away,” Zhang Xiaolong shared the information he had received from the police.

“Regardless, our family owes you a debt of gratitude,” Su Mingtang said with a heavy heart. “Otherwise, our entire legacy might have ended up in someone else's hands.”

He had been clever all his life, yet he never expected to be outwitted by a woman. Even with a Hypnotist lurking in the background, the cunning and skill of this woman were undeniable.

“Let's not dwell on the past. We may have lost Hee Jia, but we've gained you, Zhang Xiaolong. When you think about it, we've actually come out ahead,” Su Mei said optimistically, trying to console her father.

“That's true,” Su Mingtang agreed, eager to leave the embarrassing episode behind. Noticing his daughter's admiring gaze towards Zhang Xiaolong, he understood more of the situation. “Xiaolong, your company is just getting off the ground. Is there anything I can assist with? Please, don't hesitate to ask. From now on, consider this your second home.”

Zhang Xiaolong responded with a gracious smile, “Thank you for your generous offer, Mr. Su. For now, my company is doing quite well. We're focusing on steady growth and building a strong foundation.”

“It's not exactly like that,” Su Mei said, blinking her eyes as if pondering some thought. “In today's world, everything is about efficiency. If you don't seize a market, someone else will quickly do so. By the time you decide to compete, you'll have to put in ten times the effort. I believe that if your Elegant Dragon Drinks had a larger platform, it could quickly become a beverage empire.”

Zhang Xiaolong nodded in agreement, but achieving a larger platform was easier said than done. The beverage market was already crowded with competitors, and he was currently vying for a spot based on superior taste and quality.

Without substantial financial backing, the grander stage Su Mei envisioned would remain out of reach.

“Mei has a point, but I also get where you're coming from. Don't worry, you've got everything in place. While there's not much else I can do, I'm willing to give you a boost. Would you consider letting me get involved?” Su Mingtang clearly understood his daughter's intentions and was ready to invest in Zhang Xiaolong, potentially his future son-in-law, which would ultimately benefit their family.

Zhang Xiaolong hesitated before responding with a hint of regret, “I'm sorry, Mr. Su, and thank you for the offer. However, Soaring Dragon Company belongs to both Yaru and me—it's our joint effort. Any decisions can't be made by me alone. Deep down, I'd rather see Soaring Dragon Company and Elegant Dragon Drinks grow gradually under our own stewardship.”

Su Mingtang looked at his daughter, taken aback by the rejection.

“Is Yaru that beautiful female manager?” Su Mei had clearly done her homework on Zhang Xiaolong since the day before.

“She's also my girlfriend, or rather, my wife,” Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile, confirming the relationship.

“That can't be,” Su Mei countered quickly. “You're only twenty years old; you're not even married!”

Zhang Xiaolong simply shrugged, choosing not to engage in the argument.

After he had left, Su Mingtang let out a sigh. “My dear, this young man is decent, but he's already taken. You should set your sights elsewhere.”

“No,” Su Mei declared with a defiant air, her petite face etched with resolve. “I believe it's destiny. Why else would the heavens have him save me? Since he did, he has to marry me, or I won't rest.”

Su Mingtang had been a force to be reckoned with his entire life, but upon hearing his daughter's words, he realized she surpassed him in stubbornness!


In a room somewhere in Qingyang City, Wang Zongyi was scowling at someone. “You're afraid to take on Zhang Xiaolong now?”

“This man is tough to handle. Otherwise, your plan wouldn't have fallen apart,” the person replied, remaining hidden in the shadows as if reluctant to show his face.

“You're just scared!” Wang Zongyi scoffed.

“I have a much better method. Obviously, I wouldn't settle for such a foolish approach,” the voice from the shadows responded ominously, “I intend to strip him of everything he has!”

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