A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 174: Joel is so caring

Chapter 174: Joel is so caring

Chapter 174 Ruoer is too caring

After Yun's question, Wei Ruo didn't make a sound, and Wei Qingwan answered first.

Wei Qingwan spoke a lot very seriously, and based on her understanding of the old uncle and old lady in Uncle Zhongyi's mansion, she put forward a lot of her own opinions.

"The item of tea can be increased. Grandfather likes to drink tea, and the price of tea this year is also cheaper than in previous years; and the purple sand tea set that grandfather likes, do you want to find a way to put a set in it?"

Wei Qingwan mentioned this because the situation at home is indeed different this year. Her father has been promoted to the sixth rank. If there is nothing to sell as in previous years, I am afraid it will be unreasonable.

Wei Qingwan knows that the current situation in the mansion is not rich, but she also knows Yun's thoughts. As a daughter-in-law, she must not be stingy at this time.

Yun Shi nodded: "I really mean that."

Immediately afterwards, Wei Qingwan said: "But my daughter also knows that due to the poor harvest in the village this year, there are some problems with the government's income and expenditure. My daughter is willing to use her own money to buy annual gifts for her grandparents."

Wen Yan Yun was a little surprised and also a little moved: "Wanwan, those are your private self."

Wei Qingwan replied firmly: "As a granddaughter, I should prepare some annual gifts for my grandparents to show my filial piety. What's more, if Wei Ruo's grandparents and parents are not loyal, how can I be the person I am today? Everything I own belongs to the Wei family. .

"Wanwan, you have a heart." Yun's face couldn't help but look gratified.

"Mother is serious, this is what a daughter should do." Wei Qingwan's eyes were shining, her voice was soft, and her tone was sincere.

Yun was very satisfied with Wei Qingwan's answer, and then asked Wei Ruo: "What do you think of this year's gift list?"

Wei Ruo was lazy and didn't want to think too much, so he just glanced casually and said, "It's fine for mother to make a decision. Mother must be more experienced than us in this regard."

Wei Ruo's words can't be wrong, it just seems a little perfunctory.

So Yun said to Wei Ruo: "Ruo'er, your grandparents still love you very much. We still can't go back to the capital this year. Make an idea."

The Yun family also does not require the eldest daughter to bring out her own self to buy new year gifts for her grandparents like Wanwan, but only wants her to be more serious and help think about this issue. The gifts between relatives during the New Year and holidays are all prepared by her, the head of the house, and these things should be familiarized as soon as possible.

Wei Ruo was already prepared: "Mother, when the nobles gave me things before, I had already reserved gifts for my grandparents in advance, but because those things were fragile and difficult to transport, I thought about waiting until the next time I went home. When the capital delivers things, let them take them by water."

As he spoke, he took out a list from his pocket and gave it to Yun.

Wei Qingwan looked at the list that Wei Ruo handed over in surprise. She was already prepared?

Wei Ruo took Wei Qingwan's reaction into his eyes, and could see that she was surprised and resentful.

It wasn't that she deliberately wanted to compete with Wei Qingwan.

This gift for the old uncle and the old lady was already prepared when she received the reward from Chu Lan. At that time, she planned to take it with her when she gave gifts to the capital at the Xiaowei Mansion.

Yun took Wei Ruo's list and looked at it. In addition to some porcelain tea sets rewarded by the Seventh Prince, Wei Ruo also brought along dried sweet potatoes, sweet potato chips, mushroom sauce and other foods that have recently become popular in Taizhou.

Although these things are not expensive, they are local specialties, and they are probably not popular in the capital.

Giving these can reflect your heart and have local characteristics, so it is the most suitable.

Yun's brows were beaming with joy: "Ruo'er is really caring."

If it is said that Wei Qingwan is willing to use his private money to buy new year gifts to make Yun Shi feel gratified, then Wei Ruo's gift list will surprise and delight Yun Shi.

Wei Ruo said lightly: "It's nothing, my grandparents love me very much, and gave me beautiful things several times, which is what I should."

Wei Ruo had nothing to do with Yun Shi when he did this, it was entirely because the two old men in the capital treated her fairly well.

No matter what the purpose of the two old people is to treat themselves well, but they gave her the title of eldest daughter and gave her several gifts, they are all real.

"If you are filial, your grandparents will be very happy to know." Yun said with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, the Yun family discussed with Wei Ruo and Wei Qingwan the details of the gift list and the details of the purchase of new year's goods in the mansion.

The smile on Wei Qingwan's face was gone, and the expression on her face was a little stiff when she answered several times.


On the second day, Wei Ruo went out again.

The small workshop she built on the open space in Zhuangzi has been completed, and she is going to inspect it today.

On the way, Wei Ruo and Xiumei changed their appearances, dressing up as the last time they went to see Fan Chengxu.

Because he will deal with many outsiders when he inspects the newly built workshop today, Wei Ruo's current situation is not suitable for showing his face in public to avoid being caught.

When they arrived at Zhuangzi, the two little girls who got on the bus turned into two ugly young men when they got off the bus.

Because he knew that Wei Ruo was coming, Guanshi Yu waited at the gate of Zhuangzi in advance, and when he saw the two young masters getting off the carriage, Guanshi was stunned.

"Manager Yu." Wei Ruo called out to Manager Yu.

Hearing a familiar voice, Yu Guanshi realized that the young master in front of him was their current employer.

"Miss, why do you look like this?" Manager Yu asked.

"I met a lot of workers today, and my daughter is inconvenient because of her body weight. Please trouble Steward Yu to call me Mr. Xu when I introduce you to people later." Wei Ruo said.

"Yes, yes, yes, or Miss... Ah no, the young master is very thoughtful!"

Immediately after that, Manager Yu took Wei Ruo and Xiumei to Zhuangzi where Wei Ruo's small workshop was built.

On the original open space of Zhuangzi, there are five more houses built with yellow soil mixed with stones and broken straw. This is Wei Ruo's new workshop.

"Miss, these houses were built according to your requirements and design drawings." Guan Shi said.

According to Wei Ruo's request, some special things were built in each room.

There are large stoves, large shelves, half-walls built with earth and stones, and some strange shapes, whose purpose is unclear for a while.

Wei Ruo was very satisfied after the inspection. This house was supervised by Uncle Xu, so she was very assured of the quality of the house.

Wei Ruo then asked Guanshi Yu: "How is the selection of the person I asked you to help me?"

During the previous visit, Wei Ruo asked Manager Yu to select a few reliable long-term workers who could work in a down-to-earth manner from Zhuangzi, and arrange them in the newly built small workshop behind her.

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